Blues And Bullets Episode 3

I DM'd a person involved with this project on Twitter about progress on the next episode. To surmise our conversation regarding Blues and Bullets, they told me that they haven't been called in for work on the project in about a year, said that the studio has completely run out of money due to a failed mobile port, and that the company has no full time employees. So, no more Blues.

Contents GameplayThe player will search for clues to find leads in the investigation. Clues will include mutilated body parts. Clues can be matched to witnesses. There are also shooting sections. The game's narrative is told in monochrome with occasional tints of color.

Interacting with other characters also plays a large part in the game. PlotScript error(voiced by ) is the agent who jailed gangster (voiced by ). In this new episodic game, Eliot Ness is a retired cop who runs a diner called Blues and Bullets. One day, someone tells him that Al Capone needs his help to find his kidnapped granddaughter. His former nemesis is the only man he trusts to get her back. There are other characters in the game, which include: Milton (voiced by Tom Clarke Hill), Delphine Dockers (voiced by Jules De Jong), Osmond Burke (voiced by ), Alice (voiced by Laila Pyne), Little Girl (voiced by Laila Pyne), Little Boy (voiced by Jules De Jong (episode 1) and Alexa Kahn (episode 2)), Dickinson (voiced by ), Jim Dockers (voiced by ) and Nikolai Ivankov (voiced by Bill Roberts).DevelopmentThe game was first announced on August 13, 2014.

Several more screenshots were released on November 22, 2014, and the game was featured at the 2015 Game Developer's Conference. The game was awarded at Game Connection Development Awards in the category of Excellence in Story & StoryTelling.

A trailer was released on March 4, 2015. The first developer diary video of the game was published on May 16, 2015. EpisodesThe game will be separated into five episodes, released in several month intervals. Episode 1 was released on July 23, 2015 and Episode 2 was released on March 8, 2016. It is unknown as to whether episodes 3-5 will ever be released.No.TitleDirected byWritten byOriginal release1'The End of Peace' Daniel Candil and Daniel CastellanosJosue MonchanStory by Daniel Candil, Daniel Castellanos and Josue MonchanJuly 23, 2015 ( 2015-07-23)Eliot Ness is a retired cop running a diner called Blues and Bullets.

When his old nemesis, Al Capone asks for his help in finding his granddaughter who has been kidnapped. 2'Shaking the Hive' Daniel Candil and Daniel CastellanosJosue MonchanStory by Daniel Candil, Daniel Castellanos and Josue MonchanMarch 8, 2016 ( 2016-03-08)Eliot Ness embarks on a journey into the mysterious submarine that emerged out of the water.

Has there been any news from the developer at all? Have they quietly gone bust? Someone posted back in May of this year on the 'Crowd of Monsters' Facebook page saying they lied about the game being cancelled. They responded with 'It isn't. I also noticed that the website is down.

Crime city 3d 2 hacked. Nice to know they abandoned something without telling anybody, or refunding those who purchased the seasons pass.I don't know definitively. The developers said they were having difficulties last September.

My guess is, since a year has passed, that it is very likely we will not see the last three episodes. Most likely, yeah. The devs website has been down for months, and I would say this is not something common for a 'healthy' dev studio. On top of that, episode 2 was released almost 1 year and a half ago. My guess is that they went out of business and the projected went down with them. Kinda sucks because this game really had potential, it was way more interesting than anything telltale put out in the last few years.Yes. It looked really good.

I have the season pass but was very and I do mean very patiently waiting for all episodes to come out before playing. The difficulties they referred to were both financial and staffing. I think they spent all their season pass revenue on the first two episodes and sales of individual episodes was not enough to fund the remaining episodes especially since the sales of episode 2 failed to meet their expectations. Their staffing was reduced to two people.They said they would tell us if they went belly up and no official announcement has been forthcoming. However, the tea leaves say that two people with little or no money have a snowball's chance in hell of coming through on episode 3. Personally i enjoyed it much more than the average telltale game.So im sad if its cancelled.Its still in the store wouldnt if the company was bankrupt, unless someone else took over the rights.Sadly, games like this, and telltales massive delays are the reason i now dont buy seasongames, until they are done.On a sidenote.All the tv-shows i enjoy always seems to get cancelled after a season or two as now i gave up on that also, and are watching stuff like mad men and the wire instead.