Die Hard Quotes
Quotes first lines:You don't like flying, do you?:What gives you that idea?:You wanna know the secret to surviving air travel? After you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes.:Fists with your toes?:I know, I know, it sounds crazy. Trust me, I've been doing it for nine years. Yes sir, better than a shower and a hot cup of coffee.:Okay. the businessman sees John's gun:It's okay, I'm a cop. Trust me, I've been.».
The best Die Hard quotes make you realize how good the movie really is, even if you haven't seen it in a while. Let's rank the greatest quotes from the original Die Hard, with the help of your votes. Starring Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman, Die Hard was directed by John.
An unusual natural phenomenon? Who knows.Film actress co-invents communication system later used in, and other forms of wireless technologies.Perilous parachutes, lethal lighthouses and murderous motorcycles!A bug zapper with a difference.That doll is a spy!A man's small piece of metal turns out to be worth more than expected.Using household objects to reserve parking spaces.Pigeons were used by the Germans for aerial surveillance in World War I, and apparently also in World War II. Obscure inventions. Not to forget the CIA's own pigeon camera.robo-socialism control chamber invented by a with a gigantic beard.One billion are used every year and often seen littering the streets of UK cities.Self-contained, low-capacity, floating nuclear power plants.A cross between a spoon and a fork. Evidence of ancient intelligent life?