
Starbound Commands ListFind below a list of all Starbound console commands for players and server administrators, updated for the latest version of Starbound on Steam (1.3.3, PC / Mac).Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search the cheat table. Hover over a command to show detailed help and information for its arguments.All commands start with /. To send commands, simply type them into the chat and hit enter.Some commands require admin privileges: to gain access to these admin commands, you must first toggle admin mode on by typing the /admin command. Commands requiring admin privileges have Admin Only in their description in the below table.Additionally, some commands require debug mode to be first activated by running the /debug command, the descriptions of these commands contain the label Debug Mode.For more help using console commands, please see our.You can switch between different command layouts by pressing the 'Table View' and 'Card View' buttons. Type the name of a command into the search box below to instantly search our database of 61 Starbound admin commands. NameSyntaxDescription/help command nameThis command prints a list of all commands to the chat. If you specify a command as an argument, help for the specified command will be printed to chat instead./adminThis command enables and disables (toggles) admin mode.

Admin mode allows access to admin-only commands. When in admin mode, all crafting recipes are enabled (no resources required) and damage/energy loss is disabled./reloadThis command reloads your client assets. This can be used to update the game with changes made to files and mods without having to restart your client.

This does not reload the server./whoamiThis command sends a message with information regarding your current local (client) username and whether or not you are in admin mode. Note that your local username isn't the same as your server username./serverwhoamiThis command will print your server (not local) username to the chat, and also whether or not you are an admin on your current server./whereamiThis command will send you a message with your current celestial coordinate location.

See also: If a planet is placed, it has 0.7 weight of being picked from a list, 0.07 to be a gas giant, and 0.04 to be an asteroid field.

An example of a celestial coordinate is '412-2186671612'./pvpThis command will toggle (enable and disable) your PvP mode. /warp location Admin OnlyThis command can warp (teleport) you many locations including your ship, your orbited world, a specified celestial coordinate, an instanced world, a player and a player's ship. See argument information for a full list.

LocationThe location you wish to warp to. You can provide this in one of the following forms:.

OwnShip - this will teleport you to your own ship. OrbitedWorld - this will teleport you to your orbited world. CelestialWorld:COORDS - this will teleport you to the specified celestial coordinates - e.g. CelestialWorld:412-2186671612.

InstanceWorld:WORLD - this will warp you to the instance world with the specified ID - e.g. InstanceWorld:Mutated. ClientShipWorld:PLAYERUUID - this will teleport you to the world of the player with the specified UUID, find a player's UUID with the /list command (they must be logged in) - e.g. ClientShipWorld:c9202eeda42c23dbda3960f07f1ee8ab. Player:PLAYERUUID - this will teleport you to player with the specified UUID, they must be online.

Find a player's UUID with the /list command - e.g. Player:c9202eeda42c23dbda3960f07f1ee8ab. Nowhere=COORDINATE - this will warp you to the specified coordinate in your current world - e.g.

/settileprotection dungeon id true / false Admin OnlyThis command can be used to set whether or not blocks within a specified dungeon are breakable. Dungeon IDs can be found by entering debug mode (type /debug). When set to true, blocks are not breakable, if set to false, blocks are not protected and can be broken. Dungeon IDThe ID of the dungeon you wish to set as either protected or unprotected.

You can find dungeon IDs by entering debug mode with /debug.True / FalseSpecified true here to enable protection (making blocks within the specified dungeon unbreakable). Specify false here to disable protection (allowing blocks to be broken within the dungeon). /spawnitem item id amount parameters' Admin OnlyThis command will spawn the item with the specified ID at your mouse cursor. The amount will default to 1 if not specified. See item IDs on our. Item IDThe ID of the item you wish to spawn. See all ids on our.AmountOptional.

The amount of the item you wish to spawn - e.g. If not specified, this will default to 1.Parameters'Optional. A JSON object for item customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help. /spawnnpc species id type level seed parameters' Admin OnlyThis command spawns an NPC of the specified type. You can optionally specify the following to further customize the NPC: level, a seed and customization parameters.

Species IDThe ID of the species of NPC to spawn.TypeThe type of NPC to spawn.LevelOptional. The level of the NPC to spawn. By default, this is 1.SeedOptional. The seed of the NPC to spawn. A seed is a random number that determines the look/characteristics of an NPC (e.g. A JSON object for NPC customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes (').

See examples for help. /spawnstagehand stage hand type parameters' Admin OnlyThis command spawns the specified stage hand. See argument information for a list of stage hands.

Stage Hand TypeThe type of stage hand to spawn. Stage hands:. coordinator. mailbox. messenger. objecttracker. questlocation.

questmanager. radiomessage.

waypoint. bossmusic. cultistbeamposition. cultistflyingslashposition. cultistidelslashposition. cultistlowerdashposition. cultistsphereposition.

cultistupperdashposition. bossdooropener. bossplanner. npccombat. apexmissionbattleeffect. apexmissioncallscriptsensor.

glitchmissionmanager. glitchmissionspawnpoint. protectoratemanagerParameters'Optional. A JSON object for stage hand customization, needs to be surrounded in single quotes ('). See examples for help.

/kick username / uuid reason Admin OnlyThis command kicks the player with the specified name or UUID (you can specify either) from the server. An optional kick reason can be provided, which will be shown to them when they are kicked from the server. Username / UUIDThe username or UUID of the player you wish to kick from the server. You can also specify a client ID.ReasonOptional. The reason you wish to kick them from the server - this will be shown to the user as a message when they are kicked.

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/ban username / uuid reason ip / uuid / both time Admin OnlyThe ban command will ban a player specified by any of the following: server username, UUID, IP address or client ID. An optional ban reason and duration can also be specified. Note that temporary bans will expire as soon as the server is restarted. Username / UUIDThe username or UUID of the player you wish to ban from the server. You can also specify a client ID.ReasonOptional.

The reason you are banning them from the server, this will be shown to them as a message when they try to reconnect.IP / UUID / BothOptional - default is both. Specifying 'ip' here (without the quotes) would ban the specified user's IP from the server, specifying 'uuid' here would ban the specified user's UUID from the server, specifying 'both' here would ban both the user's IP address and UUID.

See command examples for more information.TimeOptional - if not specified, the time will be permanent. The time, in seconds, you wish to ban the user for. /setuniverseflag flag id Admin OnlyThis command will set the game's universe flag to the specified flag.

Universe flags control what stage the universe in the game is at - e.g. What advancements have been made by completed missions, etc. See argument information for a list of flag IDs. Flag IDThe ID of the universe flag to set, all flags:. outpostmission1.

outpostmission2. outpostmission3. outpostmission4. outpostmission5. outpostmission6.

outpostbeakeasy. outposttechscientist1.


outposttechscientist2. outpostursaminer. finalgatekey. vaultsopen. /togglelayer layer number Debug ModeNOTE: This command has been reported as broken - your usage may vary. This command will hide and show (toggle the visibility of) a specified layer. See argument information for layer numbers.

Layer NumberThe number of the layer to toggle visibility of, layer numbers are between 1 and 20. Layer numbers:. Sky. Parallax. Background. Platforms. Plant.

PlantDrop. Object. CursorHintedObject. ParticlesBottom. Effect. Projectile. NPC.

Player. ItemDrop.

Water. ParticlesMiddle. Foreground. ParticlesTop. Nametag.

InfoBars. /enabletech technology id Debug ModeThis command unlocks the specified technology for your character. Technology IDThe ID of the technology you wish to unlock for use. Tech IDs list:. Apex Mech - apexMechTech. Bubble Boost - bubbleboost. Butterfly Boost - butterflyboost.

Camera Man Boost - cameramanboost. Energy Dash - dashTech. Glitch Mech - glitchMechTech.

Gravity Bubble - jetpackTech. Gravity Neutraliser - hoverTech.

Human Car - humancar. Human Jeep - humanjeep. Human Mech - humanMechTech. Morphball - morphballTech. Pulse Jump - doublejumpTech. Random Blink - randblinktech. Rocket Jump - rocketjump.

Skyrail Rider - skyrailTech. Targeted Blink - targetblinktech.