Arc The Lad Mobile

Barren roads android. Sony Interactive Entertainment forges ahead with its mobile gaming initiative through ForwardWorks, today unveiling the first batch of titles that highlight its strategy of tailoring the right IP for a new frontier of gaming on the go. You might recognize quite a few of these names: Hot Shots Golf, Parappa the Rapper, What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord/No Heroes Allowed, Arc the Lad, and Wild Arms, all of which are staging a big comeback on iOS and Android devices. All we know about the Wild Arms project is that key team members behind the very first installment are on board for a new story featuring classic series characters, while the Arc the Lad title wil be closer to a direct continuation of the series storyline.

ForwardWorks will also partner with third parties like NIS to port Disgaea and Yomari: Night Alone, as well as introduce new IP like Sora to Umi no Aida. Even Square Enix is on board for something, demonstrating the JRPG giant's ongoing commitment to solidifying mobile as a key pillar of its gaming business.

Arc The Lad Mobile

In addition to optimizing experiences for one-handed gaming while you're stuck on public transit, ForwardWorks is also entertaining its own brand of NFC (near field communication) play with 'Project FIELD', a set up that allows users to wirelessly link smart devices to special cards via a board-like peripheral for a variety of gaming applications. One upcoming title that plans on leveraging this technology in some form will be nothing less than a new installment in Level-5's Yokai Watch series, confirming the franchise's big break on smartphones.

Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - Ancient Tablet/Spirit Dictionary FAQ Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits Ancient Tablet/Spirit Dictionary FAQ Version 1.11 7/31/03 by: Ryan Mack magus8472. Arc The Lad R is an mobile game developed by ForwardWorks and published by Sony for Android.