Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Envy

Two brothers lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of 'alchemy', they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her. The process fails, and as a toll for using this type of alchemy, the older brother, Edward Elric loses his left leg while the younger brother, Alphonse Elric loses his entire body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm and is able to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor. With the help of a family friend, Edward receives metal limbs - 'automail' - to replace his lost ones.

Feb 11, 2013  Mix - Marvelous Battle OST's: Envy Revealed Adagio YouTube. FMAB OST - The Stone of Immortality (3 Ost Mix) - Duration: 6:13. Server 1,260,796 views. Lofi hip hop radio.

With that, Edward vows to search for the Philosopher's Stone to return the brothers to their original bodies, even if it means becoming a 'State Alchemist', one who uses his/her alchemy for the military. Ill explain why this is the best series ever made and why i feel worthy of judging that.Note that English isn't my native tongue. I've been addicted to series for like. I could probably list at least 50 full series I've seen from all kinds. If i told myself 10 years ago or so that the best series i would ever see was an Anime i wouldn't have believed it.

This series made me laugh out loud, cry and bring up pretty much every part of human emotion possible. The characters and story are pretty much flawless and there is little to none loose ends. There isn't a 'stormy' story curve as many series suffer from - where the intro - mid part or ending is to short, to long or rushed. Balance game free. The pace through the entire anime is good. The series does not suffer either from things like to slow riddles-to-answers rate (Lost.cough.) or to fast story. All characters are developed in a brilliant way through the series. Of all movies and shows I've seen in my lifetime - if i would have to recommend one single series to someone it would be this one without hesitation.

The wonderful 101 sales


If i had an enemy i hated in real life more than anything - even i wouldn't be so cruel as to deny that person to see this show. I could deny them food instead and it would be merciful. Thats how good this show is. One thing that was a major concern early on was that this show would be to childish and silly. Don't be deceived, it is very mature and some elements are even horrifying. This is one of the only shows I've ever seen, where i haven't been able to personally come up with better ideas on how to make it.

I also recommend original Japanese voices with English text for best experience.