Doom And Destiny Walkthrough

Head back N through the doorway. Go through the left-hand door to find a chest containing a LAB KEY. (Remember Neo Sushi R&D Facility? Well don't worry, because I'll be taking us back there soon). Return to the previous location, and go S, W for a trainer and weapon and armour stores.

Trainer: (Overwhelming Charge, POWER 118/180). Go N through the blue door for another trainer: (Ice Wall, POWER 119/180) and a magic shop. Finally, go S, E, S, S to the world map.WORLD MAPWrap around N of the castle (DON'T activate airship!), head N and W and N along the west coast until you reach Ice Peak Town. Follow the linear path collecting Golz until getting to the town.ICE PEAK TOWNFollow the path around until you are heading E past a series of locked houses. The last one is open. (Store sells popsicles in here, four different flavours and the only place in the world you can get 'em). From here, head N through the other door into the caves.

Follow the path, making sure to open any chests you see to find planks, which you'll need to repair a bridge shortly. The first one is in this area ( 1 PLANK). Head around the path then S through the doorway.Walk S then W, S, W, follow the mine cart tracks to the SW, go straight through to an area with golz and three chests ( SECRET 21/39). Head N for chest and crate with planks ( 2 PLANKS). Return S, E, N, E to the previous screen. Go E over the bridge, E again and open the crate ( 3 PLANKS). Head S, W over the bridge, S over the bridge, E, through the doorway.

Doom Walkthrough and Guide. By AbsoluteSteve. Print this page More Guides. Guide Contents. Next Page Mission 1: The UAC. Follow this guide to hear about updates. Welcome to the Supercheats exclusive DOOM guide. The new DOOM is not a sequel to DOOM 3, but a reboot of the popular series. What made the first two classic DOOM games.

Follow the linear path to a broken bridge, and use the 3 planks to repair it. Exit E.BOSS. Keep healing, and hit it with your hardest physical and fire-based attacks. When it's dead, collect all the Golz and chests. Leave the caverns and the building, back to town. Continue E and upwards.Follow the path to a building with a sign outside that reads 'I.C.E Imperial Committee for Enchantments'. Enter the building, head W through a secret door (there's a missing shadow along the W wall: That's where you pass through), collect Golz ( SECRET 22/39), return, leave.

Keep heading N, past church to Ice Peak Castle. Enter.Head W, around the small winding passage to a room. There's an out of place looking block on the S wall. Walk through ( SECRET 23/39). Head E, and in a mirror of the other secret, through the block on the S wall ( SECRET 24/39). There are armour and diner shops here if you wish to peruse them. Go back to the main entrance, then straight N up the centre stairs.

Walk E to trainer shop: Giga Meditation, Giga Heal Wound, Enlightenment ( POWERS 120-122/180). Head W into the hall, N towards King, W along the passage to a door. Go E into the back room,.

COLLECT FRESH CANDLE FROM CHEST (NEEDED FOR ACHIEVEMENT). Now leave the castle and leave Ice Peak Town, back to the world map.WORLD MAPHead S as if you're going back to Dark Eidous' castle, then go immediately W to the coast. Head S and W onto the peninsula nearby (see the picture below) to find a small harbour where you can buy a BOAT for 1000 Golz. Talk to the guy here to do so, unlocking an achievement and giving you access to new areas of the world map! 1 guideThe boat is the first of three vehicles you are going to buy, each one giving you further access to the world map. All of them must be utilised in order to get every last achievement in the game.

Each vehicle can only be accessed from the world map. Your boat can also be summoned to any one of the many docks you can find scattered across the shores of the world – enter the location, talk to the guy in front of the building and ask him to whistle for it!The BOAT can sail anywhere in shallow waters: the light blue tiles on the map.Sail W in your new boat to the nearby island, and land on the western tip where you'll find a tower. Enter the location, and follow the linear path into the tower itself. Behind the right-hand column are some stairs, as seen in the picture below. Walk behind the tower to access them ( SECRET 25/39).

Return to the main level and ascend the rear of the tower and up again to find some Charismatic Grapes. Now leave the area and board your boat.Head S over the shallows, then W to the north coast of Castle Town area. Disembark, head S past the First Arena, then E over the bridge. Go E still, back towards Castle Town. NE of Castle Town, equip Johnny's Hunter Technique and walk back and forth in the woods until you max out Hocus Pocus and hopefully Angry Birds gold to knock two more side quests off the list. If you don't get Angry Birds here, don't worry, as you can grind it later along with another side quest.Enter MacGuffin Castle from the N, and go S and E, wrapping around to the two locked warehouse rooms from Episode II. Having the Elven Key from chapter IV, you can unlock and loot both of them ( SECRETS 26 & 27/39).

Leave to the World Map. Walk S along the road, then E and S to River Town.

Pass through and cross the S bridge to return to the multicoloured delights of the Preposterous Mage Tower. Enter the location and the tower.Make Nigel the leader through the tactics menu – thanks to having the side quest Hocus Pocus at gold level, we can now climb the full tower! Head up the stairs at the back, and go up until you can't go any further. Talk to the guy near the star on the floor, then follow him through the portal to the next floor. Trainers here: Scorching Attack, Winter Attack, Eldritch Missile, Gravity Smash, Shocking Palm, Ki Blast ( POWERS 123-128/180).Go up 2 floors, talk to the lady, head through the portal. Take W staircase to the library for trainers: Burning Cold, Dispelling Attack, Disjunction Blast, Meteor Smash, True Resurrection, Omni Bomb, Quivering Palm, Ki Punch, Magic Knight, Transformation, Meraviglioso, Ki Master ( POWERS 129-140/180). Head back, SAVE.

Go up E staircase, talk to the man, teleport up to tower roof for access to the MAGIC ARENA. There's a store here, an inn, and a pub. Sell your stat boosting items if needed to get the best weapons/gear at this point, or to buy powers from the library etc.

When you've done, descend the tower, and go back out to the world map.GETTING THE FIRST TWO DWARFS AT DEATH MOUNTAINHead back through River Town, exit E and follow the path N past Boring Town to the church. On the path leading to the actual church within the location are several statues – The one on the right-hand side is our first dwarf of seven we must find for the Snow White character in Death Mountain, and another elusive achievement! Look at the statue I show in the picture below, and every so often you'll see him blink. Talk to the dwarf exactly as he's blinking, and keep talking to him until he says he's going home. ( DWARF 1/7). Now go back to the world map.

Go to the menu and tactics, make Johnny the Leader and once more talk to the Dwarf about random encounters until he leaves ( DWARF 2/7). This screen is a good spot for grinding Ex-Orc-Ism to gold too, and another step towards completing your side quests!This next part is a long trek, so I advise equipping Francis' Hiding Technique Power which will lower the number of random encounters. Go back around to Death Mountain and enter.

Follow the path ALL THE WAY through, into the snowy area, into the cave and finally out to St Moriaz. Head N between the first two buildings, and you'll notice one of the doors across the road in front of you is open. Go inside, to several dwarf statues and 2 staircases. Take the left staircase, and you'll end up in the 'Snow White' area.

Head E, N, down the stairs to the 'Gandalf' bridge. Don't cross; head S and follow the path until the exit to woods. Head E and continue E (don't cross the bridge), until you can wrap N and W. One of the dwarfs you rescued earlier is here - talk to him, he's opened shortcuts for us! This goes between Death Mountain W (where we are now), Snow White room and St Moriaz.

Head back around to the wooden bridge, go S, exit to the world map where you'll be W of Death Mountain. Go N and E to the coastal hut, talk to the guy in front of the building to spawn your boat. Exit to the World Map.WORLD MAPSail your boat through the shallows W and N, past E coast of 'Mario' world.

Sail N until you reach a curved desert island. At the W end of the island is a temple.

You'll meet a new enemy here: Drakes. (Sidequest Double Drake begins). Head N through the cavern. Go E into a new area.

Head S, E, N. Collect the rope on the ground, go W and leave to the N. Head N to a chest which contains the first of four orbs you're going to need to get a secret and two achievements, in time. Open the chest and take it ( Spaghetti Orb 1).Leave S, go all the way back around the are but leave N, not W.

Head N, open the chest ( Spaghetti Orb 2). Go back S, then W to the original area. Head W, leave N. Check the bottom left statue for an Old Pirate Key (One of many you will come across). Go N, open the chest ( Spaghetti Orb 3). Get the rope nearby.

Go down the left side of the area, and wrap around to a hole in the ground (I got Double Drake side quest to bronze here). Use a rope on the hole and descend. Open the chest on the right ( Spaghetti Orb 4), leave, and go E back to the original room. Use three of the Spaghetti Orbs on the three statues to create a magical bridge, and SAVE.Cross the bridge, taking the first W path at the junction ( SECRET 28/39). Follow the path back S, remove ONLY the bottom right orb, and cross bridge again all the way to the N. Insert your 2 remaining Spaghetti Orbs.

Cross to the new area. Go into Menu and Tactics – make Mike the Leader. Read the sign, activate the door, and enter the next area where we'll upgrade Mike's yellow ring.YELLOW TEMPLEI've created a map of this for you, as it will be useful if you want to eventually open all the chests here – open the map in Paint and cross off the ones you've got if you so wish. The map is lower quality than I'd like, as there's a restriction on the size of an image file I can upload here.

I'll also give directions in the form of Up, Down, Left and Right, with numbers indicating the turning you should take, e.g. 1L means take the first left. In this area, you can kill pirate ghosts as part of random encounters to obtain Old Pirate Keys which open the multitude of chests everywhere (Each chest will give you 600-700 Golz or 6-8 Arena Tokens).

Follow the map to the centre (U, L, U, 1L, U, R to end, U, L, 1U to end, R, D, R, 1U, R to end, D to end, 1U, L, D, L, D, 1R to end, U, R to end, D to end, L to end, U to.SAVE.). Go U to.BOSS - Watch out for 'EXTINCTION' which can wipe out a low-level party! Apart from that, it's the usual hit-with-hardest-powers-whilst-healing-and-buffing-with-Mike strategy.Kill the boss and go N. DO NOT WALK BEHIND THE STONE TABLET YET: Head to and activate the stone tablet instead to upgrade Mike's Yellow Ring for an achievement. Now head into the portal (small star behind the stone tablet). You'll be teleported back outside the entrance to the Yellow Temple.

Head S, cross the light bridge, and whatever you do COLLECT BOTH OF THE SPAGHETTI ORBS FROM THE PILLARS. Go S, cross the light bridge and MAKE SURE TO COLLECT THE THIRD AND FOURTH SPAGHETTI ORBS. (I got Double Drake side quest to silver here). With the four orbs in hand, head S and S again to the world map; board the boat.WORLD MAPHead back E and S to the mainland where the First Arena is.

Head E, over the bridge west of Castle Town, and go S down the dirt road. When it bears SE and you see a sign (which leads to -missing name-'s house), instead head W and S through the grass on the other side of the mountains. Pass through the lone tree in the mountains to the other side. Once here, walk NE to an imperial outpost, with a trainer: Haste Mixture ( POWER 141/180).

Now leave to the world map. Go S, SW, S, E and NE along the linear route to an old abandoned mine.OLD MINE - DR INSANO 1This is another quest line similar to the dwarfs, in which you have to search the world at various locations in order to complete it and unlock several achievements.Walk straight N past the various buildings until you enter the mine at the top of the map.

Inside, head E, N, E to a switch. Pull it, then go N, W, S all the way to the end; then head E and go down the stairs. In this area simply walk E and S until you get to stairs in the SE corner of the room; SAVE.Head downstairs.

Follow the path around until you reach a cave with a sign – SAVE again if you like just to be sure, although it isn't really necessary. Enter the cave to meet Dr Insano ( DR INSANO 1/5). You'll unlock an achievement for doing so.BOSS Crazy Crystal. Very easy to kill. Drops a magic crystal which reactivates the teleporter back home. Leave the mines via the nearby lift, and exit to the world map.Return to MacGuffin Castle (back around to lone tree, through, N, E at the junction).BENJAMIN'S CELLAR - DR INSANO 2IF YOU MISSED THE ACHIEVEMENT FOR OPENING THE 'NOTHING' CRATE AT THE START OF THE GAME OR ANY OF THE SECRETS IN THE REAL WORLD LOCATION, YOU CAN GET THEM NOW. GO BACK AND FOLLOW THE EPISODE I GUIDE, THEN RETURN HERE.From the front entrance of MacGuffin Castle, go upstairs, head S then E to the teleporter room where we first entered this world from Benjamin's cellar.

With the crystal in hand from the Dr Insano meeting, enter the teleporter! Once back in Benjamin's cellar, go through the SE door, then S, S, E, N into the rope-in-hole room, then SAVE and immediately walk straight back S. Dr Insano will now be here( DR INSANO 2/5).BOSS Emilio 1.0. Do not use any lightning powers or weapons against Emilio or any other machine-based enemy for that matter. Kill the robot, then walk W, N, N, N and exit the castle to the world map.DR INSANO 3Head W and go over the bridge, W to First Arena area. Fight random battles to the north of the arena in the parched earth style area for Cockatrice and chicken fights (starting the side quest Insert Cock Joke Here for collecting feathers. Get it to gold while you're here!

It's fairly quick. Also, finish up the Angry Birds gold here if you're yet to do so). Return to where you left your boat just to the N.Sail W so you're on the N and W side of Death Mountain disembark and walk straight E, and return to the spot where Judas' body is. (It's the lone tree which is shaded darker than the surround). In this location, enter the new cave at the back.

Inside, go E to the third confrontation! ( DR INSANO 3/5).BOSS EMILIO x2. Once killed, you'll unlock another achievement for your trouble. Leave the cave to the world map, and return to your boat.DR INSANO 4Head N, E and N to eventually sail back to Neo Sushi Island.

Look at the world map section if you need a reminder of its location, and enter the old lab in the south of the island, heading back to and going inside the building. Look familiar? Walk E and use the lift. At the bottom, go W, N to a junction and then go W to the previously locked lab door I asked you to remember earlier. ( DR INSANO 4/5).BOSS Robot Judas, 2x Emilio 1.5. This can be a tough fight.

I recommend taking out the two flanking robots before tackling Judas, as they're quick to go down and if you do a good job of keeping your party alive and stocked up with MP, you can achieve four or five attacks to Judas' one when they're gone. When the fight is won, you'll unlock another achievement!

Now leave, going all way back to the world map and ultimately your boat. The fifth meeting will have to wait a while!WORLD MAPSail E to the snowy region, disembark near where you originally bought the boat and return to the airship outside Dark Eidous' castle. SAVE FIRST and then board the airship! We're coming to the final part of the plot! Don't worry though, there's still loads left to do afterwards.DESTINY'S CASTLEAfter arriving (mostly) heroically, walk W. There'll be some scenes and conversations.

When these are over, from where you find yourself walk S and activate the door. We're breaking outta here! Now, go E and then S for goodies, then E via the stairs for goodies, and explore the NE cell's hole for goodies; then head NW for progression.Head W, N and E until you appear in a little corridor between two doors, with a guy to the left and a kitchen to the right. This guy sells weapons/armour - Buy 'Destiny' everything, and sell all your stat-boosters (Charisma Grapes, Grit Cheese etc) to make a small fortune. Don't forget to sell any weapons and armour you're not using and don't intend to use. Then walk E, talk to the woman in the kitchen next to the potion sign and stock up on rations, one-ups andGigaa potions as necessary - a couple hundred of each ration, 50 one-ups and 20 Giga potions should be more than enough for this next section.Exit N to the west of the woman.

Walk N, E through the gardens and continue E to the next area. Here, search each bedroom for Golz and items, and in one of the chest of drawers you'll find the Green Orb ( COLOURED ORB 1/4); then head upstairs in the centre of the room.Walk E. In this area, our goal is to achieve symmetry between the left and right rooms, so let's do that the quickest and easiest way: Activate the unlit candle first of all, then go E through the revealed wall, walk N and enter the room on the right. Close the drawers, straighten the picture. Leave the room, go S past the revealed wall from before, then W and S. Straighten the picture, then walk down the right side of the room.


Activate the hat, walk S, light the candle, S again and finally open the revealed chest for a blue orb. ( COLOURED ORB 2/4). Leave back to the top of stairs W of this bizarre area.From here, walk S then W onto a balcony. Follow it S and W, go through the second S exit and look for a small red chest on a table next to a chair. Open this for a Yellow Orb.

( COLOURED ORB 3/4). Head back to the top of stairs, go N, W and N into a new area.SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.Boss, the Hey Team! Concentrate on Saffron first as he deals the most damage, and can wipe out an ill-prepared team; then take out the rest out in order from front to back. Once they are defeated, you'll get a red orb ( COLOURED ORB 4/4). Put the orbs into the four corresponding coloured pedestals to unlock the N door.

SAVE.LONG scene. Watch it, because it's one of the best in the game I think. SAVE again, then head N. Lot's of scenes and conversations, then.BOSS: Concentrate on Destiny in the centre, whilst using Nigel's Flame Wall to take out the rest of the group. Buff up Johnny and Francis with Mike when he's not busy keeping everyone alive. Don't be afraid to use your giga potions as necessary!.

Following the fight will be some more scenes. Then it's the final story fight!.BOSS: Doom isn't too tough. Use Giga Potions to heal and restore Mike's MP, and use Mike's Super Heal All to heal everyone else. Use wine / beers to restore MP as needed, and use your strongest attacks. When he's defeated, you'll get another achievement!

By PaperClip OF DOOMUpdates:August 8th, 2007 - Made the guide.November 17th, 2007 - Updated with third upgrade.December 5th, 2007 - Updated with Gorgok as another farming spot.June 18th, 2008 - Updated with Doom weapons being the best non-rare non-DC darkness weapons. (Forgot to put updates here, but I have been updating this whole time.)July 5th, 2008 - HUGE UPDATE! Updated with the latest Doom upgrades and purification.January 16th, 2009 - I changed the color of the headline from blue. Oh yeah.March 14th, 2009 - Fixed some stuff, and added some info about the soon-to-come upgrade.March 24th, 2009 - Added information about the latest Doom and Destiny upgrades, fixed a bunch of stat typos and other little things.September 25th, 2009 - Working on the Doom Knight section and will be adding it soon.December 15th, 2009 - Surprise my soons are AE-soons! Okay sorry for not updating. 1.0 - IntroductionHello, my name is PaperClip OF DOOM. No, you cannot get me in-game.

D:This guide will contain a vast amount of knowledge regarding the Doom and Destiny weapons - what are they, why get them, where to get them, how to get them, how to upgrade them - it's all here. Reminder: The weapons' elements are set for all future upgrades - that means the Doom weapons will always be Darkness, and the Destiny weapons will always be Light. This fact will not be mentioned when I list the properties of the weapons in the following sections, as it is rather obvious.:P. The Doom weapons are weapons of great darkness and power - and also price! They have several upgrades, but if you do not own a Dragon Amulet you will only be able to upgrade them once. There are five 'main' (.) Doom weapons overall, four of which are obtainable. The Necrotic Sword of Doom is only available to players who purchase the Doom Knight special deal.

(For more information, head to section: 5.0 - Doom Knight Special Offer)1. 36-68 damage2. 36-68 damage, Crit +13. 36-68 damage4. Damage varies by level.5. This weapon is wielded by Sepulchure, the Doom Knight. It is unobtainable.The basic Doom weapons are all level 8, and they do not give any bonuses.

The Necrotic Sword of Doom has multiple tiers, each with increasing damage and stat bonuses the higher the level. It is also listed as a scythe in-game, despite having the appearance of a sword - thus allowing all classes to wield it to the same effect.The Doom weapons also have a special attack, called 'Doooooooom!'

It has a 5% chance to trigger on basic attacks, making your weapon glow menacingly for the duration. It is a Damage Over Time attack, meaning that your enemy will get hit by it for several turns, five in this case. If the opponent has any weakness to Darkness, the damage will be 10. The Destiny weapons have a similar attack, called 'Face your Destiny!'

It deals Light damage, and is identical to its Darkness counterpart.The Necrotic Sword of Doom has its own special attack -, which deals 12 hits of 100% Darkness damage. It is incredibly powerful, more so than the regular Doom weapons.(.) Note - These are the weapons considered main by the plot. There are other 'items of Doom', as it were, such as the. 2.1 - The Doom Weapons - Why?So now you are probably asking yourself, how expensive are these weapons, really? The cost of purchasing a Doom weapon is 28,000 gold. You may think that that is a lot of money, but it really isn't that much.

Gold will pile up at your feet while adventuring and playing the game, so there is really nothing to worry about.There are many reasons to buy a Doom weapon. They will always stay in the game, will never go rare, continue getting upgraded and can also be purified and turned into the equally awesome Destiny weapons. These weapons are very powerful, and let's admit it they look REALLY cool.

I mean seriously. These weapons are optional - they are often mentioned in the plot and used to be a central point in the game, but you don't have to get them if you don't want to. It's just another fun, optional challenge in the game.:). 2.2 - The Doom Weapons - How?Now that you are satisfied and ready to take on the challenge, read on!You will need a starting sum of 28,000 gold to get your basic Doom weapon, and then another 28,000 gold if you also want a Destiny weapon!

Now that's not a small amount by any account - which is why I recommend you take a look at Hopeful Guy's.You can either farm up the gold and get the weapons right away, or you could just play through the game and let the gold accumulate on its own. Either way, these weapons aren't going anywhere!;).

2.3 - The Doom Weapons - Where?Now that you have the gold, head left until you're outside of Falconreach's walls, then head up. Talk to the Mysterious Orb and prepare to part with your gold!Select the option '.Gulp. Shop', buy the Doom weapon that matches with your class. You now own a Doom weapon! Now go farm all over again so you can get a Destiny weapon.:P Onward to the next section, upgrading your Doom weapons!

3.01 - The Dark Doom WeaponsThe first upgrade will require 5000 gold. You will need to purchase the from.Travel to Amityvale and talk to Thursday, the girl standing in the main area. Select 'Quests' ' ' and start the quest. At the first screen, kill the monster and go down. Second screen, kill the monster and this time go right. You will encounter more monsters, just keep going right until eventually you have a path up, and into the house.

Inside the house, you will meet Chaney. Purchase the Research Materials from his shop for 5,000 gold, and then select 'Upgrade Doom Weapons' in order to merge the materials and your basic weapon to get the first upgrade.

The Dark Doom weapons are level 8, deal 38-70 damage, and they now grant some Crit and the main stat of your class.- 38-70, Crit +2, STR +2- 38-70, Crit +2, INT +2- 38-70, Crit +1, DEX +2. 3.02 - The Unlucky Doom Weapons DABack in my day, the dark and wretched forces of nature had the decency to sell their wicked tools of damnation and agony face to face! Anyway, the second upgrade will require you to get five, which drop from the following quests: and.The essences also drop from various wars that occur periodically in the game, so keep your eyes open for those.When you're done, bring the essences and your Doom weapon to the Mysterious Orb, and select the option 'Upgrade Doom?' After some talking, a merge shop will open. Merge the essences with your Doom weapon to increase its power. The Unlucky Doom weapons are level 12, deal 40-72 damage, and they now grant some Bonus while also lowering your LUK!- 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, STR +3, Bonus +1- 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, INT +3, Bonus +1- 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, DEX +3, Bonus +1. 3.03 - The Mighty Doom Weapons DAThe third upgrade requires a rank of 15 in Blacksmithing, your Unlucky Doom weapon, and eight Unlucky Doom Essences.

Is located in. In order to get there, you will have to go into Lim's shop in Falconreach, and select 'Crafting: Building Weapons' 'Battleon', which will take you to Yulgar.Talk to Yulgar and select 'Crafting: Building Weapons' - this will take you to the Blacksmithing interface. Work your way to the required rank, and then select 'Make Weapons' to open the. Scroll down a bit and you will find the Mighty Doom weapons. Merge all of the items, and you will get the following:.

The Mighty Doom weapons are level 15, deal 42-74 damage, and grant some more stats.- 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, STR +4, Bonus +2- 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, INT +4, Bonus +2- 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, DEX +4, Bonus +2. The fifth upgrade comes not only with improved damage and stat values, but also with a wicked new look!The required blacksmithing rank is still 18, like last time. This time you will need 13 Unlucky Doom Essences for the upgrade.Also, I just want to note that the weapons were available from a shop called, which opened up after the of March, 2009 was won. They required the same amount of essences. Just a fun fact!. The Heartless Doom weapons are level 24, deal 52-85 damage, and grant some more stats.- 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, STR +4, Bonus +3- 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, INT +4, Bonus +3- 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, DEX +4, Bonus +3.

3.06 - The Obsidian and Forsaken Doom Weapons DAThe sixth and seventh upgrades are very small upgrades that came out together, so I decided to merge them into one section. The sixth and seventh upgrades will each require thirteen Unlucky Doom Essences.

The Obsidian Doom weapons are level 27, deal 52-86 damage, and grant some more stats.- 52-86, Crit +4, LUK -5, STR +5, Bonus +3- 52-86, Crit +4, LUK -5, INT +5, Bonus +3- 52-86, Crit +4, LUK -5, DEX +5, Bonus +3. The Forsaken Doom weapons are level 31, deal 53-87 damage, and grant some more stats.- 53-87, Crit +4, LUK -5, STR +5, Bonus +3- 53-87, Crit +4, LUK -5, INT +5, Bonus +3- 53-87, Crit +4, LUK -5, DEX +5, Bonus +3. 3.07 - The Grim and Dire Doom Weapons DAThe eight and ninth upgrades, coming to a forge near us on a spooky Friday the 13th in August 2010. As per usual by now, you will need a blacksmithing rank of 18 and thirteen Unlucky Doom Essences for each upgrade. The Grim Doom weapons are level 35, deal 55-89 damage, and grant some more stats.- 55-89, Bonus +4, STR +6, LUK -6, Crit +4- 55-89, Bonus +4, INT +6, LUK -6, Crit +4- 55-89, Bonus +4, DEX +6, LUK -6, Crit +4.

The Dire Doom weapons are level 40, deal 57-91 damage, and grant some more stats.- 57-91, Crit +4, LUK -6, STR +6, Bonus +4- 57-91, Crit +4, LUK -6, INT +6, Bonus +4- 57-91, Crit +4, LUK -6, DEX +6, Bonus +4. 3.08 - The Bone, Horrific, Ghastly and Grisly Doom Weapons DAThe tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth upgrades! Boy these old weapons have come a long way, haven't they? This time, the upgrades are different - they can be found in the shop, run by in.These upgrades use a new material -, which can be acquired in the following quests:,. 3.09 - The Bloody and Sanguine Doom Weapons DAMoar! Moar upgrades! The fourteenth and fifteenth upgrades are here!

These things just keep getting better huh? They even got a slight face lift this time around - looking all bloody and ominous! Anyway, you can find these upgrades in the shop, accessible by talking to in.For these upgrades, you'll need a new material -. Once again, you'll need a magic number of thirteen for each upgrade, so get to farming! Go ahead and check out the encyclopedia entry for the drop locations.

3.1 - The Corrupt Doom Weapons DAIf you thought these things couldn't get any cooler, you were wrong! The sixteenth upgrades are now available, and they look sick! The upgrades can be found in the shop, in the event which occured on Friday the 13th, March 2015.

(what a coincidence huh?)Once again, a new material is required - the, which can drop from the various quests in the event linked above. This time around you'll need 20. Fun!. The Corrupt Doom weapons are level 66, deal 76-108 damage, and they now grant Parry, Wisdom, and Endurance, along with a reduction in Charisma!- 76-108, Dodge +2, Block +2, Parry +2, Crit +10, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +4, END +4, CHA -5, LUK -12, STR +12, Bonus +7- 76-108, Dodge +2, Block +2, Parry +2, Crit +10, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +4, END +4, CHA -5, LUK -12, INT +12, Bonus +7- 76-108, Dodge +2, Block +2, Parry +2, Crit +10, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +4, END +4, CHA -5, LUK -12, DEX +12, Bonus +7. 4.0 - The Weapons of DestinyThe weapons of Destiny are matching Light versions to their Doom counterparts - they are visually similar, one being the opposite of the other. They have the same DoT special attack as the Doom weapons (see section 2.0 - The Doom Weapons - What?) while being Light element. They match the Doom weapons in level and stats up to a certain level, after which they branch off with different stats and level requirements.

The basic, level 8 weapons of Destiny are available to all players, but upgrading them is only possible if you are a Dragon Amulet holder.In order to get a Destiny weapon, you have two options: Either purify your Doom weapon to turn it into a Destiny weapon of a matching level, or buy a brand new Doom weapon and upgrade it all the way up from the most basic form. Now, purifying only works up to a certain tier - it is not possible to purify a Doom weapon higher than the Obsidian tier to the Destiny Pristine tier, since that option is simply not available in the game.

I recommend you go with the second method, seeing as upgrading the Destiny weapons is a lot easier than upgrading the Doom weapons and then purifying them.Let's get down to business. You'll need to buy a brand new Doom weapon for 28,000 gold from the Mysterious Orb. After that, choose one of the methods listed above, and go on over to, who is standing right at the entrance to the. Get your very own Destiny weapon from the and shops, available once you complete the quests Artix has in store for you.

You now have your very own Destiny weapon! If you're a Dragon Amulet holder, head on over to the next section. 4.1 - The Weapons of Destiny - Upgrades DATime to upgrade! For both methods, you will need a certain amount of, much like the essences needed to upgrade the Doom weapons. You can find a list of drop locations in the Encyclopedia entry. In addition to the badges, you will need a rank of 15 or higher in Blacksmithing in order to upgrade your Destiny weapon to the Mighty tier, and a rank of 18 for the tiers afterwards.

PurificationRequires your Doom weapon and ten Undead Slayer Badges.Dark/Unlucky/Mighty/Dread/Heartless/Obsidian Doom weapon + 10 Undead Slayer Badges = Shining/Lucky/Mighty/Guided/Brilliant/Pristine Destiny weapon. UpgradeRequires your Destiny weapon and a certain amount of Undead Slayer Badges in order to advance to the next tier (remember - no skipping, just like with the Doom weapons!

You'll have to upgrade all the way from the bottom to the top). Narcosis diving. For the first upgrade, you will need a special item known as, which are the equivalent of the regular Research Materials for the Doom weapons.

They can be bought at the same place, in. 4.2 - The Weapons of Destiny - The Blade of Destiny DA/AQThe - this new weapon was released on February 20th, 2010 as a reward for finishing the ArchKnight saga, available to DA holders and AQ Guardians only. The weapon itself does not require a Dragon Amulet to equip, so if you only have an AQ Guardianship you can get it! Even though it's a blade, its in-game weapon type is Scythe - allowing all classes to use it. The weapon has a special attack that can be triggered about 25% of the time, dealing 3 hits of 100% damage.

You can see it in action in the Encyclopedia entry (or in-game, obviously). The weapon has two versions:., which scales with his level. Also, it is temporary.The stats are: Scaled damage to Ash's level, and: Block +5, Dodge +5, Parry +5, Crit +15, STR +5, Bonus +5, Light +20, Darkness +20. And another, much prettier version for your character. It is available from the after finishing the saga and talking to Ash in Falconreach. 5.0 - Doom Knight Special Offer - Everything You Need To Know DA- as powerful as it is fearsome.

The (the fourth Doom weapon), Doom Knight accessories, and finally the class armor are available now through a special deal for DragonLords. If you want to unlock the ultimate power of DOOM. Be ready to shell out some cash. Doom isn't free, you know.Here is what you need to know:There are four stages for this deal, and they all depend on how many months you've been a DragonLord.

Each upgrade costs 19.95$, and there are four overall, which means 80$. If you have been a DragonLord for more than 24 months already, you can purchase the whole deal for 65$! Now that's a deal. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! If you purchased the full-account DA upgrade, all four pieces of the Doom Knight equipment will unlock on each and every one of your characters!

However, the 40,000 DCs will go only to the main character you're upgrading. Now that's quite a deal, eh?Now, let's go over the upgrade stages:. If you have been playing for six months, you can purchase the first stage for 19.95$, which gives you the with an amazing special attack, as well as 10,000 DragonCoins, and finally a special Doom Knight title on your character page!. If you have been playing for twelve months, the second stage is available, again for 19.95$. This time you get the, 10,000 MORE DragonCoins, and the Superior Doom Knight title on your character page!. If you have been playing for eighteen months, another 19.95$ will bump you up to the third stage, which gives you the, 10,000 MORE DragonCoins, and the Elite Doom Knight title on your character page!.

Finally, if you have been playing for twenty-four months, the final 19.95$ will give you access to the and all of its devastating, DOOM-y skills. On top of that, you get 10,000 MORE DragonCoins, and the final Master Doom Knight title on your character page!Now, a few details about the in-game benefits. The weapon and accessories will always stay relevant - as the level cap rises, so will new tiers be added to the Doom Knight items to accompany each new cap. The armor itself is quite powerful - you can get an idea on how to use it and read up about some strategies in revan 225's guide. In addition, all details about the Doom Knight armor skills can be found in the. 6.0 - Final Words and CreditsAaaand, scene.

This is where my guide ends! I hope you are now much more knowledgeable in every field regarding the Doom and Destiny weapons. You are always welcome to send me any suggestions/errors that you find! Thanks for reading.:)CreditsSpecial thanks to SiLvErWiNg the wonderful AK that approved this guide so many years ago, as well as westwardho!, pjc, and The Legendary Hero.