Steel Ocean Download

“Steel Ocean” is a free-to-play, MMO shooting game. As a navy commander, you may choose 6 types of warships used in the World War II to fight the 16vs16 battles. Start the voyage with your. Oct 12, 2019  Download Birds of Steel Game For PC is a simulation video game. This game is developed by Gaijin Entertainment. Birds of Steel Game Download, the episode was released for Windows System, PlayStation, Xbox, and all other well have known operating systems which is.

Overview Steel Ocean OverviewSteel Ocean is a 16v16 WWII naval combat game where players take on the role of navy commanders and take to the high seas to battle. Choose from six historically-accurate classes of warships including destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers, as well as the covert and deadly submarine. Unlock, command, and upgrade over 100 different types of ships by earning experience in battle. Employ real-world naval tactics and work together with your fellow commanders to wrest control of the ocean.

Aim down your artillery cannons and predict where the enemy will be moving to connect a fatal shot. Full Review Steel Ocean Reviewby Marc MarasiganSteel Ocean is a free-to-play 3D naval MMO shooter set in the World War II era. Players take on the role of navy commanders in control of a warships and battle it out against enemy ships in instanced objective-based maps.

The game bears many similarities to the widely-popular. The game’s graphics quality is lower than that of World of Warships even on ultra settings, particularly when it comes to ship details and the quality of animations/effects. Not by much, but still quite noticeable. The water textures, however, looks great, which, quite frankly, should be expected of a game where 90% of the maps are composed of water. The game also has optimization issues and constantly suffers from FPS drops during combat, especially when there's torpedoes in the water and artillery flying around. The sound effects strike a balance between realism and arcadish, and the background music succeeds in setting the mood in battles but it isn't particularly noteworthy.

Commanding Ships 101Players start the game with a two-part basic tutorial that walks them through controls for movement, targeting, combat, as well as the use of radar and communications. This can easily be skipped and can be accessed anytime through the game’s help menu. Aside from the tutorial, tooltips and pop-ups regularly appear to introduce and familiarize new players with other important gameplay components, such as ship maintenance and upgrades. An advanced tutorial is also available later in the game for players who want to get into the nitty-gritty of naval tactics.

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Just Like That OTHER GameSteel Ocean is basically a World of Warships clone from the overall feel, gameplay, controls, right down to the menu design with a few minor differences to set it apart from the competition, such as the availability of submarines, one of the most requested ship classes in World of Warships, and the presence of night time combat. For those who are new to the genre the core gameplay of a naval warfare MMOs consists of battling it out against other ships to complete map objectives that range from simple deathmatches, where the goal is to eliminate every opposing ship, to more dynamic ones like capture the flag and domination. A 4v4 battle in Steel Ocean takes at least 20 minutes, possibly longer as players get better and can successfully outmaneuver each other. Imagine how long it would take to finish a 16v16 battle. Assemble Your FleetWarships come in six types: Destroyers, Light Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, and Submarines. Each ship class has varying stats and roles in combat. Battleships, for example, are heavily armored and are equipped with heavy-hitting weapons, while destroyers and light cruisers have considerably less durability and firepower but can easily outmaneuver the slower battleships.

Players initially start with 4 destroyer class warships. All of the ships are playable but only one can be used in battle at a time. These ships can be upgraded using experience points and silver earned in battle to increase their damage, durability, and maneuverability. Upgrade a ship enough and players eventually unlock better ships.

Although end-game (read as: overpowered) ships and ammunition can easily be bought using Gold, the game's premium currency, but, as with any type of shooter, skill still plays a big part in winning battles. A noob commanding a top of the line premium-bought warship would be hard-pressed to win a battle against a veteran in command of a basic vessel which saves the game from falling into the pay-to-win category, but only by a slight margin. The Final Verdict – GoodSteel Ocean is a great game but, and I know I'm going to get a lot of hate from fans of the game for this, World of Warships literally blows this game out of the water.

Don't get me wrong, getting to play as a submarine is awesome, and the night time battles lend an element of difficulty missing in World of Warships, but that isn't nearly enough incentive to get players to switch over from the competition, not to mention that World of Warships is better graphics-wise. Naval warfare newbies are welcome to try the game as well as the other submarine-obsessed players but if you've already invested a bit of time in World of Warships then you're probably better off sticking it out for the long haul. Additional Info Steel Ocean Additional InformationDeveloper: ICE EntertainmentGame Engine: Unreal Engine 3Closed Beta 2: November 21, 2014Steam Greenlight Posting: September 11, 2015Release Date: November 12, 2015Steam Release Date: November 12, 2015Development History / Background:Steel Ocean is developed by Chinese development studio ICE Entertainment. The game was posted to Steam Greenlight on September 11, 2015 and subsequently approved on September 23, 2015. It was fully released through Steam on November 12, 2015.