Dungeon Siege 3 Review

Dungeon Siege III is a very interesting hybrid of cRPG and a hack'n'slash - highly acclaimed by both gamers. Variation of interesting elements, common plot choices and a large amount of side missions - these factors will delight many gamers. Those are also the reasons behind this guide - using it you will be able to easily finish all the missions, draw pleasure from maximally developed characters and collect all the precious items. What can be found in the guide?- a thorough description of all main and side quests ( 47 missions in total);- more than thirty maps with most important places and characters marked on them, including all treasures and secret passages;- tables with plot choices together with their short and long-term consequences;- a series of useful hints on ways of completing missions and carrying out dialogues;- a description of the various plot paths and the influence that the players have on the ending. General notesMAPSMap references have been marked in the following way: ( Mx, y) where x marks the number of the map and y the position of that given map.

For example ( M3, 2) indicates that you should head to point 2 on map number 3.All treasure chests have been marked on the maps using gold squares - remember that some appear only after certain moments in the game.COLOURSSpecial colour markings have been used in the test and on the maps to make navigating through the guide easier. Red is for NPCs and enemies, green for all sorts of items and levers, blue for quests and orange marks secret passages and locations.GUIDE LAYOUTEven though the game itself isn't split into acts, such division has been used in the guide to make it more legible. Critical plot moments serve as borders between the given parts. Thanks to it, navigation should be much easier.Maciej 'Czarny' KozlowskiTranslated to English by Jakub 'cilgan' Lasota. Dungeon Siege III Video Game. genre: RPG.

Dungeon Siege 3 is one of those odd titles where the sum of whole definitely equals more than its individual parts. Certain aspects of the game clearly were underdeveloped, but they rarely get in. Dungeon Siege III - Video Review. Jun 21, 2011. Square Enix's Dungeon Siege III Now Available. Jun 21, 2011-7. Shadow fight 3 promo code. Dungeon Siege III Review. Jun 20, 2011. UK Charts: Zumba Zooms Into First Place.

developer: Obsidian Entertainment. publisher: Square-Enix / Eidos. platform: PC, XBOX360, PS3. rated: PEGI: Age 16+ / ESRB: TeenCenturies ago, when the Empire of Stars collapsed, the land of Ehb became a refuge for the 10th Legion. They were the finest and best-trained of the Imperial armies.The noble legionnaires protected Ehb during the War of Legions, when the old Empire tore itself apart. At the War's end, the commanders of the 10th Legion established a new and independent kingdom of Ehb. Throughout Ehb's history, the Legion provided stability and protection, but they left rulership of the kingdom to an independent monarchy.As years passed, the Legion became increasingly powerful.

Its influence grew to rival the monarchy.Then, thirty years ago, Ehb's king was murdered, and blame was cast upon the Legion. Led by the young and charismatic Jeyne Kassynder, the people rose up and slaughtered the 10th Legion, tearing down their proud chapterhouses and estates.With the fall of the Legion, the kingdom has fractured into petty states and free towns. Most of the country has fallen under the sway of Jeyne Kassynder, who controls the Church and eastern Ehb. Her power is steadily growing. The royal court has retreated to the mountain fastness of Glitterdelve, in the west, and the bustling city of Stonebridge has declared itself a free and independent republic.Only a scattering of Legion descendants survive. Many were hunted down and slain by Jeyne Kassynder, while others fell victim to the mobs of common folk, who rose up to sack their estates.

But a network of descendants endures, organized by an elusive old man - the Venerable Odo - believed to be the last surviving legionnaire. He has protected the children of Legion blood and kept them safe from Jeyne Kassynder.Now a gathering has been called in the remote Rukkenvahl, in the north. Odo has asked all the Legion descendants to assemble, in an attempt to rebuild the Legion and take back their kingdom from Jeyne Kassynder, before it is too late.Features:Use a large variety of weapons, special moves & magicLots of LOOTMultiplayer: Up to 4 players onlineCo-op play (one in each class)Split screen offlineJump in/Jump out MultiplayerPlayer's actions impact the story and environmentCharacter's stories are different, but the ending is the same.

Developer Website. Publisher Website. Official Website.

The other tricky situation that Dungeon Siege 3 puts co-op players in has to do with the camera. Even in online co-op players are tied to the same screen, though each person has control of their own camera angle.

This means player movement needs to be in sync, and with four players it feels similar to that carnival game where they tie two people’s legs together and force them to walk as one. In shared screen its not as big of a deal since there are only two players, but the camera does change a little bit.So all those gripes aside, there’s still a lot of fun to be had in the game’s co-op play. I had no problem leaving my game open to the public and having people pop in and out to help me through quests. My game quickly filled with a full party of players on numerous occasions. Even the quest dialog is fun with four players as the game utilizes a voting like system as to what option is chosen in the dialog trees - you can see which players choose which dialog option.Despite my quarrels with the game’s co-op mode, Dungeon Siege 3 is an excellent Action/RPG. It’s a departure from previous games in the series, but it’s not afraid to admit that - fans of the previous two games will enjoy the several donkey jokes located throughout the game.

As long as you understand the co-op features of Dungeon Siege 3 before buying it, and are ok with that, you’ll get plenty of enjoyment out of it.