Gigantic Brewing

Gigantic Brewing Company in Portland, OR. Beers, ratings, reviews, styles and another beer geek info. Gigantic Brewing Company - Whole In The Head, poured into a DFH Spiegelau IPA glass. Look - Pours a hazy copper caramel with a luxurious soapy head. Lots of chunky lacing. Nancy drew the silent spy walkthrough and cheats. Smell - Some sweet caramel malt with citrus and resiny pine hop blast. Subtle for a DIPA. Taste - Rich malty caramel followed by a.

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American IPA
Ranked #3,255
Ranked #17,127
3.87 pDev: 9.04%
Gigantic Brewing Company
Oregon, United States
Notes:True to its name, Cascade, Centennial, Crystal and Simcoe create a citrusy hop confluence that continuously embiggens with each drink. The embodiment of our brewing philosophy to “Never Give An Inch”.
View:Beers Place Reviews
Reviews: 100 Ratings: 493 Log in to view all ratings and sort
4/5 rDev +3.4%
look: 4.5 smell: 3.75 taste: 4 feel: 4.25 overall: 4
Bottle poured into a Mountain Rambler Brewing Co pint glass
A: Pours golden orange amber with a frothy beige head that settles to a firm layer and laces beautifully.
S: Herbal, spicy pine, citrus, light fruity notes, bready malt, and caramel sweetness.
T: Earthy citrus, lemon and grapefruit, spicy pine, herbal and floral notes, fruity undertones, peach, apricot, and passion fruit, bready malt, and caramel sweetness.
M: Medium body, moderate carbonation.
O: Nicely balanced. Rock solid straight forward IPA.
518 characters
4.14/5 rDev +7%
look: 4 smell: 4.25 taste: 4.25 feel: 3.75 overall: 4
A good, smooth IPA, but nothing to write home about. The texture is a little thin. Fairly complex, not too bitter, with a bold fruity/citrus smell I noticed right away, and a flavor to match. A step up from what Pyramid and Widmer Bros have to offer.
250 characters
3.86/5 rDev -0.3%
look: 3.75 smell: 4 taste: 3.75 feel: 4.25 overall: 3.75
Has a nice copper color, a thin head but nice lacing. Smells nice but not very hoppy. Taste follows the nose and isn’t strong with the hops. It’s smooth as silk and drinks easily. It’s a good IPA. On tap at Ron’s Corner Tavern.
235 characters
4/5 rDev +3.4%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
Had it while watching Super Bowl 2018. It poured a somewhat hazy golden amber color with a moderate frothy white head, great retention, and plenty of sticky lacing.
The aroma is all about the fruit; peach, pineapple, grapefruit and orange. There is also a graham cracker sweetness.
Drinking this provided a good ole fashion hops fix in the West Coast style. It was moderate to slightly intensely bitter. The emphasis of the hops was a juicy combination of citrus( mainly grapefruit pith) and tropical fruit, along with pine. A muted seeetness is provided by the caramel malt and graham cracker.
Medium bodied and easy to drink. Despite the citrus zest and hints of juicy sweetness, the palate and finish are very dry and significantly better.
A solid no nonsense IPA that has quite the hops kick. I am intrigued enough by it to try again.
842 characters
4.13/5 rDev +6.7%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 4.25 feel: 3.75 overall: 4.25
Cracked open enjoyed on Christmas Day 2016 along with a couple Snicker's (Rogue Double Chocolate Stout mixed with Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar). This is a solid IPA, very floral and not too bitter. I think I've been biased since being corrupted by the discovery of Mosaic hops. So I try not to slander IPA's without Mosaic like this one. I will get this again.
363 characters
4.17/5 rDev +7.8%
look: 4.25 smell: 4 taste: 4.25 feel: 4 overall: 4.25
Poured from a 22oz bottle into an imperial pint glass.
A: The beer is a deep amber color with a short dense off-white head that fades slowly and leaves a very thick lace on the glass.
S: The aroma fruity citrus, caramelized malts and piney hops.
T: The taste starts out sweet with flavors of caramel and citrus. Then a strong but not over-powering earthy hops bitterness come in. The malt character is hearty and brings a very good balance. The after-taste is slightly sweet and slightly hoppy.
M: Crisp and smooth, medium body, medium carbonation, finish is slightly sticky.
O: Tasty, goes down easily, not too filling, good kick, good representation of style, while it’s not an extreme hop bomb, it’s balanced, flavorful and worth drinking for a long time.
767 characters
3.81/5 rDev -1.6%
look: 4.25 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 4 overall: 3.75
Huge head from the 22 ounce bottle--more than four fingers. It settles slowly in a rocky fashion, leaving a solid dome. Chunky, spider web lace. The liquid is orange-amber and a bit cloudy.
Caramel malt aroma. Nearly no hop smell.
Smooth body with a moderated carbonation. There's a lavender element to the otherwise malty flavor. The swallow is a white pepper bitterness. I get yeast on the tongue as well.
418 characters
3.75/5 rDev -3.1%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
Bought 22oz bottle from Foodland $6.98
Orange amber color
Medium mouthfeel
Medium-light carbonation
Sweet hops taste, smooth and not bitter like a lot of IPAs
Overall this is an easy drinking IPA. I normally drink IPAs slower than other styles like lagers, but this one is so smooth I find myself drinking it too fast. If the price was lower I would buy these as 6-packs.
373 characters
3.58/5 rDev -7.5%
look: 4 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.5 feel: 4 overall: 3.5
Appearance: Pours a rather hazy amber color capped by a frothy head; shards of lacing appear
Smell: Apples and pine with a hint of caramel underpinning
Taste: Caramel makes a brief appearance and then the apple and pine tones take over; moderate to high bitterness, after the swallow, with a dry aspirin-influenced finish
Mouthfeel: Medium body with moderate carbonation
Overall: Well this is a first, an IPA that tastes like it has been mixed with apple cider; afraid I am not a fan; perhaps this is due to the age of the bottle as, without a date on the label I have no idea how long it sat on the shelf - I purchased it on a recent trip to the west coast so I presume it was reasonably fresh
703 characters
4.42/5 rDev +14.2%
look: 4.25 smell: 4 taste: 4.75 feel: 4.5 overall: 4.25
22 oz bomber poured to shakers. Amber color with 1 finger head, good lacing. Mild nose of pine, grass, fruit. Very well balanced taste between the malt and hops, pretty much perfect. Malt is a little bit toasty, and the hop flavors and bitterness are mild. The brewery is called Gigantic, but this beer is not, and I would not change a thing. Medium body and carbonation.
372 characters
4.02/5 rDev +3.9%
look: 4.25 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
Poured from bomber, nice 1 finger head. Dark amber to look at. Smells of crystal malt, pine, citrus. More malt forward than most of today's IPAs which isn't bad. Nice caramel malt up front and finishes off with some pine and citrus in the middle. Semi bitter finish. Good solid ipa
287 characters
4.39/5 rDev +13.4%
look: 4.5 smell: 4.75 taste: 4.25 feel: 3.75 overall: 4.5
Beautiful golden red color, nice head from a low carbonation. A little too smooth on the tongue for me. Nose is all hops, with fresh cut hay (in a good way) and a little creme brulee. Flavor is nutty, with lemon at first fading to a grapefruit. Damn fine IPA.
263 characters
3.33/5 rDev -14%
look: 4.5 smell: 4 taste: 3 feel: 3 overall: 3
Looks nice in the glass. Has a moderate head and a nice tangerine color. Piney, floral smell with a strong malt backbone. The problem is the taste left a lot to be desired. Ended up being very malt forward with very little hop presence and a lingering bitter finish that wasn't all that pleasant. Too much malt and the hop presence is almost no existent until the very end where it manifests itself as overly bitter. Overall not a well balanced IPA but not terrible or anything.
478 characters
3.77/5 rDev -2.6%
look: 4 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
Bomber. Bright amber color with finger white head, soapy lace. Toasty bread aroma. Toasted malt dominates the taste, some flora hops there. Malt forward, more like a hoppy amber.
182 characters
4.25/5 rDev +9.8%
look: 4.25 smell: 4.25 taste: 4.25 feel: 4.25 overall: 4.25
22 oz. Bomber
Pours a very nice very slight cloudy dark golden orange color, very nice carbonation, with a pretty nice thick/creamy one-finger off-white head, which leaves some pretty nice islands and some sticky lacing behind. The noes is hoppy, slightly malty, with some pretty nice citrus notes. The taste is pretty nice hoppy, slight malt note, citrusy. Medium body, ABV hidden nicely, with a nice dry/bitter finish. Overall, this is a pretty tasty brew. My first from this brewery.
487 characters
4.04/5 rDev +4.4%
look: 4 smell: 3.75 taste: 4.25 feel: 4 overall: 4
I purchased a 22 oz bottle of this IPA and poured into standard pint glass. Amber orange in color, a nice citrus and floral smell, juicy hops (blend of Cascadian, Simcoe and Centenial) make this a pleasant beer to drink. A bit of pine bite that lingers on the tongue. Carmel malt flavors permeate this as one exhales. The head was about 1/2 inch and receded with a film-thin lacing on top. I like when a beer maintains it's body, and has a clean, yet flavorful finish. Not too bitter, but still plenty of hops. Overall a solid IPA
537 characters
4.08/5 rDev +5.4%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4.25 overall: 4.25
22oz bottle poured into an IPA glass.
A: Amber-orange with good clarity. Off white head retains at a half inch. Thin, broken webs of lacing.
S: Floral and fresh cut grass notes. Soft pine and earth. White grapefruit and tangerine slices. Blood orange and perhaps a hint of passion fruit too. Light grain and caramel malt tones underneath. Very focused and clean.
T: Oily and spicy hops. Pine and earth. Grassy. Bitterness is on the gentler side. Juicy citrus notes of blood orange, tangerine, white grapefruit. Passion fruit too. Toasty and lightly grainy, dry caramel. Oily hops trail into a soft and easy finish.
M: On the lighter side of medium bodied. Filling in the mouth and softly creamy. It glides easily through the mouth. Sharp carbonation adds a strong, crisp bite that refreshes and quenches. Super quaffable overall.
O: Impressive craftsmanship here. Such a tightly honed and focused IPA. It teases a lot of great flavors out of old reliable hop strains. It's super drinkable and scores a ton of points for drinkability. I'd gladly park my ass on a barstool and drink this all night.
1,101 characters
3.77/5 rDev -2.6%
look: 4.25 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.75 feel: 4.25 overall: 3.75
L - worryingly dark amber color, two-finger head recedes with nice lacing
S - crystal malt, floral hops
T - sweet malts, bitter piney hops, with a slightly earthy finish
F - nice feel, medium thickness and carbonation
O - not bad, but not my style
251 characters
4.09/5 rDev +5.7%
look: 4.25 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4.25 overall: 4.25
light pine and oranges on aroma, beautiful lacing, low fluffy head, delicious floral piney notes with bitter orange rind and slight orange aroma and a rich crystal malt profile. Medium body, good medium carb. Orange color and white head. Overall this is incredibly easy and fun to drink, plus it's just so darn pretty to look at.
329 characters
4.06/5 rDev +4.9%
look: 4 smell: 4.25 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
This pours a hazy orange with one finger of puffy white head. The smell is lovely - more orange than many of the IPA's I encounter. The body has layers of malt and resin that make it extremely satisfying. The overall package is great - awesome label that celebrates all that is great about Portland's beer scene.
312 characters
3.75/5 rDev -3.1%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
Pours a hazy golden orange and yields the same colored body with a two finger white foamy head that had some clingy lacing and spider webbed gently, the smell has some floral, citrusy, and lots of piney hops combined with a fresh maltiness for a very good combination, the taste is bittersweet between the hops and malts, very light bittersweet aftertaste, dry finish, it was fairly easy on the palate but still has a good harsh carbonation like an AIPA should have, overall, this is a pretty good AIPA that I would have again.
527 characters
4.14/5 rDev +7%
look: 4.25 smell: 4 taste: 4.25 feel: 4.25 overall: 4
Pours with a dark orange body and a pearl white head with a lot of lacing. Smell is pretty mild, tangerines, orange blossoms, grapefruit rind. Taste has a lot of malty sweetness, tons of crystal malt (too much). Total hop juice, extremely fruity with the primary note being oranges, kumquats, grapefruit. Great stuff, wish they'd swap the crystal malt for something different though.
383 characters
3.75/5 rDev -3.1%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
This was poured into a pint glass.
The appearance was a soft hazy orange color with a one finger level foamy head that dissipated within less about a minute. Stringy messy lacing.
The smell had some bitter grapefruit, bitter pine and a slight undercarriage of some caramel malt.
The taste was a rush of bitter upon my tastebuds. Caramel works its way into the flavor in a sweet round about sort of way.
The mouthfeel was about light to medium bodied with a nice crisp sessionably sweetness hitting my tongue.
Overall, good, it was nice to try pretty sure I'd bang it again.
574 characters
4.74/5 rDev +22.5%
look: 5 smell: 4.75 taste: 4.75 feel: 5 overall: 4.5
A favorite IPA of mine. Awesome bottle and even better taste. I will admit I just decided to drink it straight from the bottle when I first bought it, but have since moved on to actually pouring and enjoying the look of the beer. Amazing aroma of hops that kicks you right in the nose. Pack with citrus and floral smells that make you want to drink it through your nostrils. Taste is one that makes you sit back and let out a content sigh of relief after a hard day's work. Does a great job at hiding that strong ABV while also remaining true to the basic building blocks that make up the distinctive taste of a killer IPA.
A beer sadly dismissed by people who will drink Keith's, but not this. A fine IPA and a fine beer all around.
735 characters
3.6/5 rDev -7%
look: 4.25 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.5 overall: 3.75
Had from a 22oz bomber purchased in Portland, OR.
Stopped by the brewery several days ago but forgot to review their beers. From a bottle, this pours a lightly hazy deep orange color with a creamy off-white head. Solid retention and plenty of lacing throughout. An attractive beer, something I remember noting looking over the picnic tables in front of the brewery.
Syrupy aromas of soggy raisin bran, orange peel, honey, dank pine resin, caramel, herbs, and toasted biscuits.
Thick and oily on the palate with an intense malty backbone, plenty of sweetness in the mid-palate, and cascades of bitter hops on the finish. The heavy hopping helps balance a beer that might otherwise taste a little too sweet.
Overall, I liked this much better on tap. It was fresher and more balanced. From the bottle, I found it to be a little on the heady and sweet side for my taste. But, very good. Alcohol level is noticeable. Borderline double IPA territory in terms of body and sweetness.
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