Monster Blade Weapons

Season Name Rarity Type Cost HP ATK Max HP Max ATK Skill Basic Graf Zeppelin 2 48 73 304 460 Crush I Basic Nessie 5 80 119 503 746 Wrath I Basic Dr. Jekyll 6 108 109 680 685 Repent I Basic Violet Hunter 5 97 95 609 599 Peace I Basic Alligator 3 60 89 378 560 Anger I Basic Ooparts 8 160 107 1001. Today, three librarians are working together at the Qurare Magic Library to rebuild the Library of Babel. QURARE on the PlayStation®4 is a ported version for the console platform. QURARE is one of the most successful Card Battle RPGs on mobile platforms in Korea, and it is the first Card Battle RPG to be released on the PS4™. Qurare Magic Library is one of the Magic Libraries created after the explosion at the Library of Babel. It is here that Librarians Miu, Sella, Delphine, and Head Librarian Eris reside. The library is a used to store Kodices which contain all of human knowledge. Many scientists and scholars from. Qurare magic library wiki. A violent mugger who was discovered in the Dimension of Studies. She wanders around the school grounds bullying people. She is a Saint Erecht Academy graduate, but doesn't seem to be generous. She wears a weird-looking bread bag on her head, so nobody has seen her real face. Source: Mystery. Welcome to the Qurare Magic Library Wiki Edit. The newly released Qurare Magic Library by Palmple is a TCG/CCG game. Qurare Magic Library features over 400 high quality cards, 3D Dungeons, 3D characters, enjoyable music, and more.

There are a whopping 14 weapons in Monster Hunter: World, so choosing one isn't easy. The good news is that you don't have to pick just one. You can swap weapons or change your entire setup whenever you want, including during a hunt, so there's no reason to limit yourself to one weapon. Experimenting with weapons and finding good matchups with different monsters is one of the most enjoyable parts of hunting. So, in this guide we'll go over each weapon's signature moves and its general play style, as well as what armor skills they benefit from. But first, let's look at the basics of weapons in Monster Hunter: World.Just getting started? Check out our, then put your weapon skills to the test with help from our.

SharpnessAll melee weapons have a sharpness meter. There are six tiers of sharpness.

Jan 27, 2018  Ideal against: The quickest weapon in Monster Hunter: World, the dual blades work great when you can get up close and personal with any ground monster. They may be tied for the second-lowest.

In ascending order of strength, they are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and white. The sharper your weapon is, the more damage you'll deal. Additionally, some monsters parts can only be cut by weapons of a certain sharpness.

If your blade is too dull, your attack will bounce off and you'll deal very little damage.Each time you land an attack, you lose a point of sharpness. If you lose too many points, you'll lose a sharpness tier. So if your weapon has a little bit of blue sharpness, let's say 20 points worth, you'll go down to green sharpness after you land 20 attacks. As you can imagine, weapons that deal rapid hits like the dual blades and insect glaive lose sharpness quickly, while slower weapons like the hammer and great sword don't lose much at all. You can recover sharpness by sharpening your weapon with your whetstone, but this takes a few seconds so be sure to find a safe window.You do not necessarily need to sharpen every time you lose a tier of sharpness. Let's say you have a sliver of blue sharpness and a good chunk of green sharpness.

Don't obsess over that little bit of blue. Ride the green out, and once you hit yellow sharpness, that's when you should break out the whetstone.

This will minimize downtime and keep your damage up.You can improve your sharpness through several armor skills:. Handicraft: extends sharpness meter. Protective Polish: you won't lose sharpness points for a while after polishing. Master's Touch: you won't lose sharpness points when you land crits. Razor Sharp: halves sharpness loss. Speed Sharpening: speeds up whetstone sharpeningAffinityAffinity is Monster Hunter: World's version of critical hit chance.

If your weapon has 10 percent affinity, you have a 10 percent chance of dealing a critical hit. Critical hits deal 25 percent more damage than normal hits, so affinity can be extremely powerful.