Pathologic 2 Weapons

Pathologic 2 Is a Late Contender for the Weirdest Game on PS4. We've had a couple of those on PlayStation 4, and Pathologic 2 appears to be a late entry in that. All weapon locations and materia recommendations. Pathologic 2 is a wondrously strange doctor 'em up made irksome. Has you eagerly swapping your only gun for milk, I'll gladly disappear.

This is a very odd, very difficult, somewhat confusing, and very interesting game. To call it a survival horror RPG would be an understatement, as it's more than that.

Your survival is in your own hands. You have 12 days to figure this out. You only have so much time in a day, and the world is against you. You're trapped in this city, and by the time you're done here, everyone will hate you. Good luck.

Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of 12. You better be ready, because you're on the clock!

You also just killed three men.

By Concentrating, you'll be able to see people you need to talk to. You'll see two Birds (the Grim Reaper figures) up ahead, both of which can be talked to. They might be somewhat terrifying, but they're actually helpful. They seem to be on your side, at least for now. They're surprisingly insightful and knowledgeable as well..

The one on the left (named Talon) will teach you some survival tips, such as where to find Bandages and food.

The one on the right (named Beak) will warn you that the people in this town aren't going to like you. He'll also tell you to be careful how you spend your time. He'll finish the conversation by predicting your death and telling you to hurry home. What a lovely person.

When you're done, you'll notice one of the creepy masked people sitting behind Talon. Talk to him, and you'll find his name: Reflection. He'll warn you that the Birds are lying to you, and that you should stay far away from your home.

Reflection will also remind you that you have some friends left in this town. He'll urge you to seek them out.

I'm not going to tell you every single thing you should do, as there are many choices, and you should have your own journey. I'll advise you on things you should be warned about, and I'll help you to the end of the game. This guide will also help you to earn every Trophy/Achievement, but for now, your biggest problem will be learning to survive in this world.

Looking around, you'll notice someone sitting in a train car back where you started. Run over and talk to him. His name is Lika, and he's a kid wearing some kind of dog mask.

Lika watched as you killed the three men earlier, and he'll warn you that you need to do something about your wounds. He'll even give you his old leash to use as a Tourniquet.

Lika will also give you some advice: you don't need to kill people to solve your problems in the future. 'You gotta be nicer! Just hit 'em -- three times, max. Send 'em running, and let 'em run!'

The City

There are several things you can do here, but the order you do so is up to you (the clock is ticking, so it's up to you).

As you explore, check your Thoughts tab in the Menu. You'll find that every piece of information you learn will start to fit together, forming a huge, entangled web. The main story point will be at the center, and the rest will fill in slowly. Points that are circled in red are important, and act as Quest Markers.

Grigory Filin

Grigory Filin is an old friend of yours, one of three you have left in this city. Personally, I recommend finding him first, before doing anything else, so you can learn more about what's going on. He'll also give you some more supplies.

While in the warehouse with Grigory, you'll notice another masked figure above him. You may want to talk to him before talking to Grigory, just to get a feel for who you're talking to. The figure is Grigory's Reflection, which is basically a physical representation of his conscience.

You'll find Grigory at the location marked below (not the white circle, the area the marked by the Location Marker on the map, in the corner of the text box).

You'll also find a Clock here, which acts as a Save Point. These aren't very common, so it's important to note this!

At it's core, Pathologic 2 is actually quite simple. You make your own choices, and you just have to follow the dozens of Quest Markers along the way.

The crushing difficulty spike is in learning to properly manage your Health, Exhaustion, Hunger, Thirst, Immunity, and Stamina levels. Any of these can prove fatal, and can make your game much harder. They're fairly easy to manage; simply stop to rest, eat, drink, and sleep.

If anything, it will be your neglect of these that will prove to be your demise.

The Ferryman

After leaving Grigory's warehouse, a man will run up to you. Don't worry, he's not an enemy (personally, I threw my fists up as soon as I saw him coming toward me. Depending on whether you're playing on a console or PC, the controls will be different, so go to the Pause Menu and find out if you're curious.

Talking to the man, you'll learn that he is a Ferryman. He was the train driver for the train you rode in on, and he tells you that you were the only living person on the train. Which is interesting, considering your fellow passenger..

He'll then tell you of other Ferrymen in the city, who are on your side (luckily, you have more than three allies!). You'll find them marked on your map. Head over to them and talk to them, and you'll find a Trader, and a Ferryman.

The Ferrymen act as the Fast Travel system in Pathologic 2.

Rubin Stakh

Another Quest Marker that will appear (after talking to Grigory) is for Rubin Stakh. Rubin is another doctor in the town, who learned his craft under your father.

Inside the building, you'll find several locked doors (you'll need several Lockpicks to open them all, which you can find later). You'll also find several cabinets and drawers to loot, obtaining more Money and various items.

You'll also find another Save Point here. Don't forget to use it!

The Soul and a Halves

After leaving Rubin's place, you'll find two kids waiting for you. They want your help in a warehouse to the southwest of here, which will be marked on your map.

Going to the warehouse, you'll find it full of kids. They call themselves the Soul and a Halves.

These kids blame Lika (the kid wearing a dog mask at the Station) for poisoning their dogs. They want to sentence him to death, but you can intervene.

You'll be able to go talk to Lika yourself, to find out what really happened. You'll find him back at the Station, where he was before.

Remember, you have limited time, so choose wisely on what you do next. Remember, your choices have consequences, and whether or not you choose to punish Lika, things will change. Either way, you'll gain new allies, but not everything that comes from it will be good. It's your choice.

Choosing not to punish Lika will simply result in the Soul and a Halves not trusting you as much. It's something you can overcome, but it's definitely helpful to have them on your side.


The fighting system in this game is ridiculous. You can get good at it, sure, but it's still annoying.

As you run around the city, you're bound to be attacked at least a few times. You've already been taught to fight, but it's still hard, and you'll probably be knocked out. When you wake up, you may be in the same place, or you may be in a different place, such as Grigory's warehouse.

Fighting is a major point of the game, and you'll have to learn to throw a few good punches, to scare people away. For now, do your best. If you keep getting KO'd, just keep trying. You'll get there eventually!

Weapons don't really work, unless they have enough durability. But for now, you won't have this, so you're out of luck. You'll just have to take a frustrating beating, and do what you can.

You can also try to run away, although it's surprisingly difficult. If you're near a building, try to run inside to escape your attacker(s).

If you get attacked and you respawn with your attacker, I'm sorry. I had this happen while fighting three people, so every time I respawned, they were already attacking me. I tried to run, but they would catch up. I tried to use a Knife, but it broke. Finally I hit one of them enough that he ran away, and then I was left with the other two.

After a lot of work, I finally got a second one to run away, and from there, I pounded the third one's face in until he left too. It's a lot easier to fight a single person at a time!


If you kill someone, you can loot them. I don't recommend you do this, as there will be consequences for killing people, and it's not worth your time or stamina (or whatever weapon you're using).

One smart thing to do is to be on the lookout for people who are already fighting each other. Head over and watch, and when one of them successfully kills the other, hop in and loot the fallen citizen. It's very useful!

You should also explore any house you can, just to loot whatever is inside. You might find food, which is always good, or you might find money or things to trade. Either way, it's a win!


Depending on what story choices you make, you may find yourself doing surgery. Really, the surgery in this game doesn't make a ton of sense, as you can perform a successful surgery with nothing but a Scalpel and an Empty Bottle. No Bandages required.

The Empty Bottle is used to drain the blood. Keep it, as Blood has it's uses later on. If you don't have an Empty Bottle, but you do have a Water Bottle, you can drink it to get one.

Lara Ravel

Eventually you should work your way to Lara Ravel's home. She's all the way at the top of the map, so you'll probably find yourself getting into a few fights along the way.

When you get to her house, you'll find her in a back room to the left. Feel free to loot the house, you'll find some food, and another Save Point.


Lara will also offer up her couch as a place for you to rest. You'll need a lot of rest to cure your exhaustion, but the amount of sleep you take is up to you.


When you fall asleep, you'll have a very interesting and insightful dream. Pay close attention to what is said to you, as it may relate to you more closely than you first think. Will you allow history to repeat itself?

If you don't, you'll receive a Trophy/Achievement. See the Trophy/Achievement Guide for more information on that.


Outside, to the east of Lara's house, you'll find a tree. When you near it, you may hear flies or bugs, which is a good sign. Look around on the ground, and you should see some flowers growing, which you can pick up.

These will be Twyre, which are herbs. You'll need them throughout this game, to make Tinctures and for other things. Collect as many as you can find and hang onto them!

This won't be the only spot in the game that you'll find these. Keep an ear open and you're bound to find more scattered throughout the city!

Town Hall

South of Lara's place, you'll find a big building on your map. This is Town Hall, and you'll find another Save Point inside if you need it. Good to keep in mind while you're running around the area.

Fat Vlad

You'll eventually be summoned to Fat Vlad's mansion. He basically runs the town, so talk to him to try to clear your name. He'll tell you that he'll help, you'll just need to lay low. Whether or not you listen is up to you.

The Broken Heart

The Broken Heart is a pub, where you'll find another Save Point. Feel free to drop in and check it out. Sprungli zurich.

You'll also be told something interesting here: killing attackers at night will have no consequences. Care to test it out?

You should know though -- whenever you die, you'll earn a handicap. It starts small, but eventually it may be worth restarting the try to survive. Your handicaps will be given by Mark Immortell. Remember him?

Other Story Points

There are lots of story beats woven into the web that makes up Act 1. You may not find them all, but that's okay. You should try to find them all, though! Keep in mind that if it gets too late, some story points will become missable (permanently).

Things are also your choice, so if you choose not to do something in the first place (or the opposite, you choose to do something), the story may come to a different end.

This is your game, so I'll let you decide.

Proceeding to Act 2

When you're ready to move on, go to bed. Blackguards. You really need the rest! A full six hours will reset your 'Exhaustion' bar.

With the dawn of a new day, a new Act will begin.

About This GamePathologic 2 is a narrative-driven dramatic thriller about fighting a deadly outbreak in a secluded rural town. The town is dying. Face the realities of a collapsing society as you make difficult choices in seemingly lose-lose situations.

The plague isn’t just a disease. You can’t save everyone.The plague is devouring the town. The chief local healer is dead, and you are now to take his place. You’ll have to look for unexpected allies. The local kids are hiding something.

Try playing by their rules.You only have 12 days. 12 days in an odd town ravaged by a deadly disease. Time is of the essence: if you don’t manage it carefully, it’ll simply run out. You’ll have to choose how to spend the priceless minutes you have. Survival thriller. You’ll have to manage your bodily functions, offsetting hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and so on. It doesn’t boil down to scavenging resources.

Surviving on your own is hard; you’ll have to win over allies. An uphill battle. Managing your bodily parameters may seem bearable at first, and as time goes by, it becomes harder and harder. Your own body is only waiting for an opportunity to give up and betray you. Things are changing from bad to worse and the odds are stacked against you. A duel with an enemy you can’t kill.

Your main foe is the plague itself, an incorporeal and malevolent entity that you have to defeat without having the means to. It’s more powerful and more treacherous than you can imagine. Loot, murder, mug, steal, barter, beg or don’t. You need resources to survive, and it’s up to you how to obtain them.

The fights are short, ungraceful, and vicious. They’re not always lethal though.

Many people—yourself included—would prefer to exchange their wallet for their life.