Starsector Ships

Mar 07, 2019  Hey again! It's time for part 2 of of this let's play where we are playing Starsector.This time we are going to. Last time, we went over character creation, getting around, and basics of combat. This time, we are going to take on a few more ships and customize them.We are also going to take on hordes of pirates in our quest to clean up the sector.

Starsector (formerly “Starfarer”) is an in-development open-world single-player space-combat, roleplaying, exploration, and economic game. The player is a space captain who can seek out fortune and glory however they choose.You can purchase Starsector through and check out the old.Rules:. Follow.

Be nice. Dont post or comment direct download links for mods - Link to the forum page or refer to the discord instead. Do not provide resources to acquire game through any means other than the official website. Piracy, torrents). Report wrongdoers.

Has to get a ship to be good for an AI depends on the officer running the ship.Timid:Timid wants to outrage the enemy while avoiding fire. Will not send fighters.Don’t use timid. There is no good build they will just want to run away.Cautious:They want to stay at max weapon range. Any build where all ranges are equal (except missiles, missiles can do whatever) will be fine.The beam/HVD/HM eagle is perfect for this.Steady/no officer:Wants to move in based on flux levels. Sounds interesting, but is functionally identical to cautious because flux changes to rapidly in a fight.This one actually works really well with a mobility system and with fast ships. Fast ships can engage, disengage, vent, and reengage at their desired range more easily.That means high tech frigates!

Hyperion, tempest are your best choices. Omen and wolf are okay to a lesser extent. The difference is the first two are fast enough to dodge shots.Aggressive:Will attempt to engage with all weapons, but will at least consider their surroundings.Throw whatever build you want at this one. I’ve had a couple ramming burn drives save my ass a few times.Let me make this clear, this is the one you want to use!

It behaves the most like you.Reckless:“Fly me closer, I want to hit them with my sword”Reckless will engage with its point defences, doesn’t care if it’s surrounded, and will chase its enemy no matter what. It’s best defence?

High speed ram. It’s best offence? High speed ram.It will try to disengage, but only when it’s too late. Don’t give this ship burn drives. Or, take my advice, don’t use them unless you have a fleet of XIV Onslaughts with no weapons and auxiliary thrusters.

Carriers (Drover, Heron and Astral are the best options, but any carrier is good enough) and few select direct combat ships.​Capitals: Paragon (no more than 2 TLs, with all 4 TLs AI Paragon becomes extremely fragile glass cannon) and Conquest (1-sided Gauss Sniper, though symmetric brawler also works with enough character skill advantage).Cruisers: Eagle and Falcon for stable combat line, Doom for mine carnage.DEs (note that no AI DE can safely fight capitals): Hammerhead. TL Sunder with optics and ITU is fine too, but you won't the hullmods early enough.Frigates (mostly distraction and fodder hunting): Tempest and Omen. To lesser degree Monitor.​Lower priority ships to consider:Capitals: Any non-junk capital can be made functional to some degree, even Odyssey (but it will have to use missile-focused build).DEs: Both Medusa and Enforcer are ok. Only Shrike is really bad.Frigates: AI piloted Phase frigates could theoretically hunt front shielded enemies (they show fairly good results in 1v1 duels), but they bump into missiles way too often and are easily distracted by any fighters.

Mostly useless vs omni shields too. I'm seeing a lot of niche build talk and player vs ai use arguments. To answer your question really bluntly the best ships for AI to handle are low tech ships fitted for extra armor. I'm sure I'll get a ton of disagreements and 'yeah but's but low tech focus means brutal simplicity and brutal simplicity means less can go wrong. Use your fleet like a rolling artillery barrage and sweep away the enemy if they dare to get close.

Field of glory: empires review. Fit enforcers, moas, dominators, and onslaughts to have balanced firepower and maybe get some monitors/centurions/brawlers (midline frigates are basically built to be escorts) to provide extra pd and discourage flanking.You will blink in amazement as massed flak wipes away the enemy missile barrage. You will cackle in glee as your escorts and interceptors break any fighter/bomber raids. You will giggle in delight as your dominator takes a trident volley to the face and the armor isn't even penetrated.

You will wring your hands in ecstasy as a rain of lead from a coordinared strike evaporates that pesky Conquest.It may not be the fanciest approach but again, it's hard to go wrong with it and there aren't any ginmicks the ai can screw the pooch with. Burn drive can sometimes get ships into akward postions but with the rest of your fleet not far behind and probably also burn driving this isn't too big of a problem, especially with that extra armor (remember to also fit auxiliary thrusters to fix the turn speed). Low tech is also supply friendly, though you will be using more fuel as a downside. (Efficiency overhaul can help here)Hope this helps, having a few high tech frigates like wolves or tempests is good too so that you can pursue fleeing ships.