Transport Defender Code


All available color crystalsColor crystals are items that can be used to change the projectile color of weapons and can be bought with cargo. In order to change the color of a weapon's projectile click the square gem to the left of the weapon's picture. Color Crystals cost 1 each and the price of Color Crystals does not scale as you buy more.

With the purchase and financing of your Defender. Ask your dealer. The corresponding code is THE CODE you use to complete the part number on your order. (1) In providing legal representation to clients, a public defender should observe applicable rules of professional conduct governing the disclosure and avoidance of conflicts of interest. (2) In the performance of administrative duties, a defender employee should avoid conflicts of interest.

The color that you get is random with each purchase and it is possible to get duplicates. The image to the right is after 13,560 color crystal purchases.Available colors listThere are 282 known available colors:NrColor CodeColor1#993d3d.

Alcahest alchemical universal solvent key. Alkahest is a hypothetical 'universal solvent': able to dissolve every other substance, including gold. The famous alchemist Philippus Paracelsus described alkahest in the 1500s. Because of its perceived invaluable medicinal qualities, Alchemists of the time were concerned with its plausibility and existence.