Return Of The Obra Dinn Hints

Read this account ONLY IF YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THE GAME! The Return of the Obra Dinn is an exquisite game that should be experienced for all it is worth to you. Only when you are done, after multiple playthroughs, and still have lingering questions, shoul. R/ObraDinn: Subreddit for the game, Return of the Obra Dinn. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All of these 'hints' seem to come back to one scene where there are many people of interest sleeping in their hammocks, and the hammocks have numbers on them. Recommendations of LPs.

The exemplary put players in the uniform of an immigration officer tasked with checking passports and documents at the border of a fictionalized East/West Berlin in 1982. Return of the Obra Dinn rewinds the clock to 1807, placing you in the shoes of an insurance investigator searching a ship that had vanished five years prior. Both games were developed by Lucas Pope, a man who has a startling knack for turning the perceivably mundane into something extraordinary. Return of the Obra Dinn, like Papers, Please before it, is unlike anything you’ve ever played. Pope’s latest experiment with style and form is devilishly brilliant and one of the I’ve ever played.The Obra Dinn, a merchant ship, left a port in London in 1802. Helmed by Captain R.

Witterel, the Obra Dinn had a total of 60 people aboard. By 1803, the ship still hadn’t arrived at its destination. Though declared lost at sea, the Obra Dinn mysteriously showed up at a port in Falmouth in 1807, close to five years after it departed.This is the tantalizing setup for Return of the Obra Dinn, and if it sounds like a huge conspiracy theory, there’s a rhyme and reason to what happened to the ship. That is, if you are willing to exercise the patience needed to unfurl this epic mystery.

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As an insurance investigator, your job is to study the ship, which is intact but with tattered sails and decayed-to-bone bodies strewn across its decks. Armed with a magical pocket watch, you enter into a memory that showcases the moments before the death of the body before you.Playing from a first-person perspective, you board the boat by yourself and immediately find a single corpse on the deck. Armed with a magical pocket watch, you can enter into a memory that showcases the moments before the death of the body before you.


These scenes typically start with a black screen and brief bits of dialogue. Then you have a short period of time to survey the scene, to examine the frozen-in-time crew members.Each memory and person you examine is added to your log book. The overall goal of Return of the Obra Dinn is to identify all 60 crew members by name, cause of death, and what/who killed them. To be quite honest, I was very overwhelmed when I started playing Obra Dinn. Out of the gate, you have a ship manifest, a crew photo, and a couple of supplemental documents, but the task at hand seems virtually impossible.

Unraveling the mysteryFirst of all, it’s very rare for a name to be outright given to you. And it’s also a stroke of luck if you can identify a crew member the first time you encounter them. Instead, you’ll have to build your case by carefully paying attention to dialects, what people are doing, and who they are spending their time with, to make educated assumptions as to who they are.