Transplant Games Of America

The Transplant Games is the cornerstone activity of our mission and one that allows us to come together to demonstrate the amazing gift of life, the miracle of transplantation, and to focus the nation on the need for more organs. Our entire transplant family, working. We, with transplant supporters and health providers, assist our team members with the costs associated with participation at the Transplant Games of America and World Transplant Games, where we celebrate our newfound health to bring attention to the success of organ and tissue transplantation and honor the memory of donors and donor families.

New Jersey is welcoming its most inspiring event – the Transplant Games of America – July 17-22, 2020. Thousands of people from all 50 states and beyond will travel to New Jersey to unite, honor the families who have given the gift of life and ultimately raise awareness of organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation.

Transplant Games Of America

Bulb boy gameplay. The 2020 Donate Life Transplant Games will be like none other, with an expected 12,000-15,000 transplant recipients, living donors, donor families, transplant professionals, caregivers.

  • About the Donate Life Transplant Games

Transplant Games is a festival-style event produced by the Transplant Life Foundation for individuals who have undergone life-saving transplant surgeries. Competition events are open to living donors, organ transplant recipients, bone marrow, corneal and tissue transplant recipients. More than an athletic event, the Donate Life Transplant Games highlight the critical importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation, while celebrating the lives of organ donors and recipients.


To increase awareness to the life-restoring importance of organ, cornea, bone marrow, and tissue donation through the lives of the athlete-recipients and the lasting legacy of their donors.
To involve the entire transplant community - healthcare providers, recipients, donors, donor families, individuals awaiting transplantation, recovery agencies, and other related organizations - in a shared mission to highlight the benefits of donation.
To increase the number of individuals registering as donor candidates, state-by-state, and
on the National Donate Life Registry by supporting existing campaigns, and harnessing the energy and drive of recipients through the Transplant Games events, partnerships, marketing, and related communications.
For additional information please contact:

Bill Ryan
President & CEO

Transplant Games of America
c/o Transplant Life Foundation

1595 Galbraith Ave. SE

Suite 500
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
616-356-2522 Fax