Homework Salesman Walkthrough

​Reniat returns to her home village after years away at boarding school to find that the village is nearly deserted. The mine that the village depended on heavily for boosting its economy and tourism has been overrun by monsters and no one has bothered doing anything about it.

HOMEWORK SALESMAN RPG WALKTHROUGH - This game is the most scribe rhyme book free thing ever and asdasfuigagoahhavenstopped hyperventilating sinceopened it up. Fixed an issue that could cause.

Having trained as an adventurer, she decides to see what she can do about reviving the town and making a name for herself in the world.Homework Salesman is a life simulation game with an emphasis on dungeon exploration, completing quests, crafting new equipment and items, and befriending the people in town. The game takes inspiration from the Rune Factory and Atelier series.

​Our heroine. She was born in the small forest village of Merrill. As the firstborn of retired high-ranked adventurer Meracon and mage Ruenica, Reniat felt it was in her blood to explore. At age seven, a prince came to visit the town, and Reniat played with him all day and all night.

When he left to head back to the castle, Reniat was determined to follow him, so she convinced her father to send her away to the castle's best boarding school. Unfortunately, when she arrived, she learned that her beloved prince had left to wander the world as an adventurer.Having returned home after ten years, Reniat vows to resume her dream of adventuring. ​Originally a student at a rival boarding school in Rustfell, Eagen moved to Merrill after graduating early and deciding he'd rather have a nice quiet life in the countryside than become an adventurer or educator, the two roles that the school had sought to place him in. He enjoys studying plants and herbs, and their utilization as medicine that can be used for instant effects. He saved up enough money to afford his own house and was about to be apprenticed by Merril's head alchemist, when the economy turned sour and people began leaving in droves after the mines were shut down. Merril's head alchemist, Baublegut, packed his bags and left as well, leaving Eagen to fend for himself.

Now to make a living, Eagen forages for usable plants and treasures and sells them to Gunsqueak. Despite far more profitable foraging in other areas, Eagen is not quite willing to wander beyond Blackbird Forest. Xebec Sawls Nullyton​Xebec grew up in an orphanage run by the Nullytons on Serra Farm.

When the Nullytons were killed by bandits, Xebec was captured and forced to become one of them. He spent his childhood years pillaging and robbing and he honed his craft as a member of the Pluckers gang.

When the Pluckers were surrounded by the Rustfell Kingdom’s army, Xebec slew his leader, Pluck, and then pretended to be an escaped prisoner of the gang. The army subsequently released him and Xebec spent the next two decades working as a mercenary. He ended up in Merrill, where slow business forced him to become a permanent tenant of Merrill Inn. Ankaba Cutsy Klenk​Originally from the continent of Delonesia, Ankaba grew into the mercenary business thanks to her older sister Linkel, who was a renown swordswoman that fought in the Delonesia-Bragan war.

Dungeon siege 3 review. Dungeon Siege III is a collection of corridors and narrow dungeons, but there are no loading screens separating them. Every so often, the game will load data and slow your healthy jaunt to a slow. Dungeon Siege III Review A dungeon crawler without good loot, like Dungeon Siege III, is missing something essential. If the prizes that pop out don't feel valuable, there's no slot machine appeal.

During a time of peace, the two offered training in their respective fortes: magic from Ankaba and swordsmanship from Linkel. When Linkel disappeared one day, Ankaba decided to look for her, and her travels took her to a far away land foreign to her in name and culture. She is currently searching for her sister in the Colorous Cave.

​. Befriend each villager by talking to them every day and giving them gifts. Higher friendship levels allow you to learn each NPC's personal story and can also gain you access to new shop items, skills, hidden goodies, and more. Unique items means that each item in the game is treated as a separate object.

You can rename equipment, find rare versions of them, upgrade and repair them (weapons have durability), and even enchant them. You can have several iron swords each with different enchantments on them. Six unique crafts: Cooking, Smithing, Tailoring, Enchanting, Alchemy, and Construction. Quests are divided into two categories: story quests that propel your adventure forward, and side quests that are procedurally generated. Features a world encounter system where you can find random events in field maps or dungeons, such as traveling merchants or a bandit who'll offer to spare you for money (or you can kill him). Enemy encounters and (most) treasure chests are randomly placed on maps. You typically won't find the same monster encounter in the same dungeon spot every time.

Treasure chest contents are randomly drawn from a pool of items appropriate for the zone you're in. You can also find unique weapons with randomized names, stats, and enchantments.


​Please visit Homework Salesman's Website for more information! It has a link to the game manual, a list of credits, and maybe even some goodie stuff I totally forgot to add in this topic! The manual alone is totally worth the read. In addition to that, Homework Salesman also has its very own little page which players can read, add things to help other players, and all sorts of goodies. Please give it a look as well!Also check out this video spotlight for Homework Salesman by NoxieNation!

You can see the game in action before you even download it and it'll give you the basics!