Northgard Walkthrough

The main goal of this mission is to dispel the army of the undead, guarding the ice wall. Once again you have a choice of all Clans to suit your needs.

Story Campaign is the addition on Northgard Game in which the player plays Rig, the prince and new High King who sought to establish a new land while at the same time, avenging the death of his father at hands of Hagen, the ruthless leader of Clan of the Raven. As with some intriguing stories.

Landmark forum. Each full day begins at 9:00 a.m.

Main Objectives

  1. Wait until the end of Fimbulvinter (4 years).
  2. Survive the attack of frozen army of undead.

Side Objectives

  1. Build upgraded buildings like Defense Tower (minimum of 6).
  2. Survive without building any type of structure like Defense Tower.
  3. Protect all your allies and don't let them die.

Walkthrough Description

Your main goal is to wait for the end of the legendary winter. During this time you will have to prepare to fight the army of the undead, who are slowly defrosting. The attack will not be completely concentrated in time at the site. Some of the undead soldiers will attack you faster and others will attack your allies.

This means you need to ensure a steady flow of cash that will allow you to train more units. To do this, set up a sales depot that will allow you to trade with your allies and docks (harbor) where sailors may also generate some money for you.

Your location is convenient when it comes to repelling attacks. You are in a ravine to which only three roads lead.Additionally, only one of them leads directly to your camp. You can take advantage of this. Colonize the area where the ravine is located. Vector image definition. This way you will be able to concentrate all your defense in one place. This will help you avoid dispersing your troops and make it easier for you to fight.

The remaining roads lead to your allies' camps. Each one of them builds his own defense. This does not mean, however, that he will be able to defend his territories. The condition for winning is that you survive the attack, so you don't have to help your allies. However, if you want to complete an additional objective, then after a battle on your territory, send your troops to an ally. They will aid him in resisting an attack on his territory.