Orcs Must Die Unchained Servers

Orcs Must Die! Unchained Shutting Down In April.Log in daily to get a lot of currency so you can buy whatever you want until it all ends. A News about Orcs Must Die! Unchained and its co-op game. Apr 20, 2020  Orcs Must Die Unchained: Part 3: Cute Wolf (Blackpaw). 130+ EVENT SUMMONS EU SERVER! (plus Rune Crafts & RTA). YOU MUST WATCH THIS GAMEPLAY!

All good things must come to an end, even Orcs Must Die! Unchained, as developer Robot Entertainment has announced the title - along with games Hero Academy and Hero Academy 2 - will close in a few months.'

It's painful to even write this,' begins. 'We know this decision affects our players as much as it does us.' Servers for all three games are shutting on Monday 16th April at 5am UTC. From now until then, players who log into Orcs Must Die! Unchained and Hero Academy 2 will receive 'a substantial free grant of hard and soft currencies to enjoy the remaining weeks of live play'. Like an end-of-the-world party if you had a bunch of cash. Free-to-play defend-o-shooter and both games in Robot Entertainment’s turn-based Hero Academy series are set to close their doors this April.

In to players, CEO Patrick Hudson explains that the games simply cost more to run than they make back in return. The studio itself doesn’t seem to be in immediate danger, with Robot currently working on two new games that they plan to unveil later this year. Account registration for the games should end soon, but the last few Unchained players will find themselves with a sack of currency to spend over these final three months.

Hi all,It's painful to even write this. We are sorry to say that we will be closing down Orcs Must Die!

Unchained, Hero Academy, and Hero Academy 2.Making and supporting a game is a long and challenging journey. Along the way, there are plenty of highs and plenty of lows. The communities who play our games join us on these journeys. We know this decision affects our players as much as it does us.We've kept these games operating at a financial loss for many months. Unfortunately, it's no longer sustainable for us to do so.

We must shift our focus to future games and make our investments there.All three games will remain playable until Monday, April 8th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time (UTC-05:00). Commencing immediately, all players logging into Orcs Must Die! Unchained and Hero Academy 2 will receive a substantial free grant of hard and soft currencies to enjoy the remaining weeks of live play. You may have to wait up to 24 hours for the currency grant to arrive in your account. We do not have a way to immediately make the grants upon first login.All of us at Robot would like to thank everyone who has played one of these games.

We've loved interacting with you in game, on our forums, and at places like PAX. We hope you give us the opportunity to join you again in our future games.Patrick Hudson, CEOFAQWhat? Why?Orcs Must Die! Unchained and Hero Academy 2 have been unable to maintain a sufficient player base to cover the operational costs to keep the games running.

The original Hero Academy has been technically obsolete for a long time now. We could not maintain the pace of operating system updates from Apple. It was actually removed from the App Store in early 2018.What happens to my game data?After the games cease operations, all Robot-controlled data associated with these three games (such as player progress, inventory, player achievements, and including all Robot Online account information) will be removed and permanently destroyed per applicable EU GDPR and platform mandates. We will not be able to recover any of your data for OMDU, HA2, or HA after the shutdown.When will the servers shut down?10:00 a.m. Dallas (UTC-5:00) time, Monday, April 8th, 2019.I've never played.

Can I make a new account?We will be removing the ability to create new accounts and download the game over the course of the next 90 days.How do I get free in-game currency before the games shut down?Just log in. It will not happen immediately or automatically. At least once per day, we will grant copious amounts of currency to all recently active players.What's going on at Robot Entertainment?We are working on two new games, and we're very excited about both of them. We don't have more to say about them just yet, but we hope to announce them both during 2019. Compensation:Upon logging in, all current and future players will receive 9,000 Skulls and a seven (7) day Battle Pass as compensation for the outages between March 10th and 11th.

The rewards will be automatically added to your accounts and there will be no notification. If you feel you did not receive the compensation, please.Bug Fixes:.

Fixed an exploit with Brass’ Turret. Fixed Brass' Scrapuum weaver. Fixed the Custom Games List from becoming permanently selected and non-interactive.

Removed some skins that were unavailable to players on PC and PS4. Various backend fixes.

Brass:. Health increased by 100%.Developer Comment: Brass's health is too low given how close she must get to enemies to use her Shotgun. This should make her SIGNIFICANTLY more durable. Damage of Cannonball increased by 40%. Cooldown of Cannonball increased by 50%.Developer Comment: We heard your feedback.

Brass has too many short cooldown abilities competing with each other, making it difficult to utilize all of her skills. This change should preserve the DPS of her cannonball, while providing more opportunities to include it in her flow. Turret health increased by 100%. Turret range increased by 20%. Turret re-target delay reduced to 0.2 seconds, from 0.75 seconds.Developer Comment: We believe the DPS output of Brass's turret is incredibly powerful.

However, it can be hard to keep the turret alive and within range of enemies on higher difficulty battlegrounds. These changes should help alleviate that problem. Brass Bombs damage lowered by 20%.Developer Comment: This is the most powerful of Brass's skills.

With the other buffs provided, we want to make sure she doesn't go overboard in power. Reorganized Brass's weaver upgrades to be more competitive. Junk Yard weaver increased to 2 scrap per second, from 1. Cannonball Coming!

Weaver reduced to 33%, from 50%. Scrap costs lowered by 25%.

Scrap drop chance lowered by 25%.Developer Comment: These changes are designed to buff Swiss Army Wrench's ability to generate scrap, without making existing scrap generation weaker. General:. Leaderboards will be reset with this update. Due to significant changes over multitudes of patches, the leaderboards have become out of date. This reset includes Survival, Chaos Trials, Sabotage, and Endless. Sabotage will require 5 placement matches to become ranked once again. Note that your old rank will be used to help seed your new rank.

The prologue is no longer presented to new players. Guardians:. No longer have a placement limit. Previously, 2 guardians were available per player.

Guardians now have an increasing cost of placement with each guardian placed on the team. Free/250/500/1000/2000/4000/etc.The purchased guardian potion consumable with unlimited uses now provides TWO free guardians (up from 1).Developer Comment: We've been searching for the right way to adjust the difficulty of solo play for a while. This change simultaneously adds more decision making to guardian placement, while lowering the difficulty of managing multiple lanes for solo players. Balance Changes Gabriella:When standing still, Blink will now default to backwards.

Developer Comment: We've heard a lot of feedback about the recent changes to blink. This is a compromise to help players who are accustomed to the old functionality. Deadeye:Now receives a 20% discount on Boom Barrels.

Developer Comment: This trap is already very powerful, but we wanted to give Deadeye a special incentive to use this under-valued trap.When standing still, 'Outta the Way' will now default to backwards. Developer Comment: Similar to Blink, the same justification applies to 'Outta the Way'. Maximillian:Can now place Decoys for free, instead of receiving a 25% bonus to their health.

Developer Comment: Similar to the Deadeye trap affiliation, we wanted to give Max a little more incentive to use this under-valued trap. Tundra, Bloodspike, and Hogarth:No longer stop moving when attacking with primary attack. Developer Comment: This has been constant feedback from the community.

While there are differing opinions on this change, we believe it will make the largest amount of players happy. Brimstone:Recharge rate increased to 0.21 from 0.13. Developer Comment: Brimstone is currently less valuable than other similarly priced traps. These changes should help.

Fire Cracker:Initial charges increased to 8, from 5. Developer Comment: Fire Cracker is currently less valuable than other similarly priced traps. These changes should help. Floor Scorcher:Cooldown increased to 7.4, from 6.6.

Developer Comment: Conversely, Floor Scorcher is currently far more valuable than other similarly priced traps. These changes should help.

Ceiling Ballista and Dragon Lance:. Damage increased by 20%.Cooldown increased by 20%.Developer Comment: This change is designed to further accentuate the ballista's role as a large minion killer.Boulder Chute:. Cost reduced to 0 (from 750). Now drops 4 waves, up from 3.Now has a placement limit of 4.Developer Comment: These traps are already, by far, the most cost-efficient traps in the game.

However, due to their power being heavily limited by manual activation, there's no reason to not further reward players for taking the time to micromanage these traps.Icicle Impaler:. Cost reduced to 500 (from 1000).

Now drops 4 waves, up from 3.Now has a placement limit of 4.Developer Comment: See boulder chute explanation.Quarter Pounder:Now stuns minions for 0.75 seconds, in addition to its existing effects. Developer Comment: Similar to the Boulder Chute, this trap is already very cost-efficient. However, due to its size, it is rarely able to be used. There's a low risk of making this trap too powerful and mandatory, so this buff should really help you feel its strength whenever you find a good place to use it. Power Generator:. Now gains 8% additional coin per tier, down from 15%.No longer returns coin when sold.Developer Comment: Unlike health and damage, players do not need additional coin to keep up with higher minion levels.

As it stands, Power Generator becomes exceptionally strong on end-game content. In addition, the ability to sell the Power Generator for full value eliminates the early-late game trade-off that the trap was designed to create. These changes should allow the trap to better fulfill its intended role.Big Game Hunter Zapper:Damage increased by 60%. Developer Comment: This is the least used of the Big Game Hunter traps. Due to its requirement that enemies remain underneath it, this trap is being buffed. Healing Well and Mana Well:Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds (from 15). Developer Comment: These traps are incredibly powerful, however, the Mending Root and the Mage's Clover compete heavily with these traps.

We hope that this change will allow players to begin substituting in other gear, when using these traps. Trap Parts. Many of these triggers feel like they change the trap, rather than improve the trap. Attention War Mages: this is not a drill!The Wu Xing Battles Update is now live on PC and PS4, and with it comes the Wu Xing Invasion Event.


Beginning at 10 a.m. Thursday, November 2, and ending at 10 a.m. Sunday, November 26 there will be a series of community challenges featuring enemies new and old as well as Yi-Lin, the newest Orcs Must Die! Unchained hero.Each enemy killed, rift point protected, game won, or star earned will count towards their respective community challenge goals, and each successfully completed challenge will award a prize to participants.

If 75% of these goals are met over the course of the event, all participating players will also receive the fantastic new Imperial Tundra skin!This event features a series of shorter, 2-day challenges based on community feedback, so be sure to log in daily throughout November to avoid missing out! Also based on community feedback this event will provide individual participant contribution details for each goal.But that's not all!

This weekend is packed with more Orcs Must Die! Unchained goodness than the Gnoll Breeder's teacup gnoll crate is packed with tiny hairballs and firebat bones. Tune in this weekend for the starring OMD!U featured streamers AndrealVox, Cnflct, JBHeroRF, Kefkafish, and tcujazzartist and including a special appearance by the lovely Nananea! Stream begins Saturday at 9 a.m.

Central and continues through Sunday at 10 a.m. Central. Compete for the top spot in the NuNs community event! And compete for the top score in the brand new Castle Gates Endless map! Bragging rights and awesome prize skins await but don't delay: this event ends on November 8! New Faction: The Wu Xing, Masters of the Five ElementsThe Wu Xing are masters of the five elements.

Deadly and resilient they make dangerous foes!. Wu Xing Soldiers: These soldiers come in four forms: light, medium, heavy, and ranged. All of the soldiers have magic armor, making physical damage optimal in defeating them. Terracotta Giant: These slow-moving stone giants do not attack players. Instead, they perform a steady march to the rift, slowing any player that gets too close.

Red Panda: Despite being called the Red Panda, these minions are actually blue! Be careful, these minions cast a powerful speed buff on allied minions. Water Dragon: This hunter minion focuses on players. Unlike other Hunter minions, this minion has a splash attack, damaging all players within a cone in front of him. Elemental Mages: These mages throw bouncing orbs of elemental energy. New Maps: Three Brand New Maps Water Garden - Survival (Apprentice and Master)The water gardens of the White Tiger Empire appear to be closest to the first attacks by the Wu Xing Dynasty.

Defend three breaches to the best of your ability without too much help from wall traps.Castle Gates - Survival (Master and Rift Lord) and EndlessBreaching the Castle Gates is a solid strategy for the Wu Xing Dynasty. Once inside, defending this open map will be a challenge. Funneling the front gates to one side is imperative.Midnight Market - Survival (Warmage and Rift Lord) and SabotageThese marketplaces of the White Tiger Empire are popular night spots. This seems to be exactly why the Wu Xing Dynasty has chosen to attack them so aggressively. New Hero: Yi-LinYi-Lin is a quick, melee hero who uses her twin swords to devastating effect. Westward iv all aboard downloads. Her use of combos can deal devastating damage as well as provide regeneration making her a true force to be reckoned with.Yi-Lin is not just any accomplished fighter. This woman out of time was the greatest and most loyal warrior fighting in service of her friend, Chang’E, Empress of the White Tiger Empire.

In centuries past, the White Tiger Empire and its allies were threatened by certain destruction as orcs and other invaders poured into their kingdoms from the Dark World. Seeing no other solution, the dwarves of Thuricvod evacuated the stone halls of their home on Centre. Fleeing to the safety of their homeworld and collapsing the portals behind them to cut off the invading forces left the White Tiger Empire with few options for its defense and even fewer allies.Desperate for a solution to protect her people and preserve her empire, Chang’E forged new alliances and agreed to share her powerful rift magic in exchange for the White Tiger Empire’s relocation into the clouds in a bargain with the Jade Rabbits. But the Empire’s preservation came at a high cost for Yi-Lin. Left behind as the eternal guardian of the final rift to the reborn Cloud Tiger Empire, Yi-Lin transformed into the Jade Sentinel she had previously been in name only and began her watch over the Lotus Temple.For over one thousand years Yi-Lin stood vigilant, waiting.

Now a shadowy figure known only as “Reve” has unleashed unstable rifts on the Lotus Temple, renewing the ancient assault on the White Tiger Empire with the hope of reaching their new empire in the clouds. Yi-Lin, the Jade Sentinel has awoken to defend Centre once more against the hordes of orcs, soldiers, and her old enemies – the Wu Xing Dynasty. Learn more in our blog!

New Faction: Wu Xing - Masters of the Five Elements. Wu Xing Soldiers: These soldiers come in four forms: light, medium, heavy, and ranged. Return of the obra dinn hints. All of the soldiers have magic armor, making physical damage optimal in defeating them.

Terracotta Giant: These slow-moving stone giants do not attack players. Instead, they perform a steady march to the rift, slowing any player that gets too close. Red Panda: Despite being called the Red Panda, these minions are actually blue! Be careful, these minions cast a powerful speed buff on allied minions. Water Dragon: This hunter minion focuses on players.

Unlike other Hunter minions, this minion has a splash attack, damaging all players within a cone in front of him. Elemental Mages: These mages throw bouncing orbs of elemental energy. New Battlegrounds Water Garden - Survival (Apprentice and Master)The water gardens of the White Tiger Empire appear to be closest to the first attacks by the Wu Xing Dynasty. Defend three breaches to the best of your ability without too much help from wall traps.Castle Gates - Survival (Master and Rift Lord), Sabotage, and EndlessBreaching the Castle Gates is a solid strategy for the Wu Xing Dynasty. Once inside, defending this open map will be a challenge. Funneling the front gates to one side is imperative.Midnight Market - Survival (Warmage and Rift Lord) and SabotageThese marketplaces of the White Tiger Empire are popular night spots.

This seems to be exactly why the Wu Xing Dynasty has chosen to attack them so aggressively. New Guardian: Jade Empire GuardianThis new guardian is available in Warmage, Master, and Rift Lord chests.Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds when attacking them. Provides 3 coin per second to nearby allies while in combat.Dashboard:. The dashboard has been re-skinned for the launch of the Wu Xing Battles expansion. Notification badge logic has been updated.

You'll see fewer and more relevant badges in the dashboard. The chat UI has been overhauled. The new design features time stamps, channel notifications, and easier browsing of chat channels.Quests/Achievements:. New Quests have been added for Deadeye and Yi-Lin.

New Achievements have been added for Deadeye, Yi-Lin, and Cygnus. Bug Fixes:. Elemental minions will no longer replicate when killed by being knocked off the map. Developer Comment: after we fixed this bug, we noticed that many maps need their kill volumes to be updated. As a result, this can still occur, but it will happen much less frequently. New EnemiesThe new Wu Xing invaders are on the march and they bring fresh skills and tactics into the mix! Being masters of the five elements, even the common Wu Xing soldiers and archers have magic armor.

Their massive Terracotta Giants do not attack players directly, but slow any nearby players and march faithfully to the rift on their mission of destruction. The “Red” Pandas are real tricksters, casting powerful speed boosts on their allies, and the Elemental Mages throw bouncing orbs of elemental energy. Last but definitely not least, the Water Dragon hunts players, but unlike other enemies of this type it casts an area-of-effect splash attack.

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