Stella Glow Gameplay

Stella Glow plays exactly like a Luminous Arc game in gameplay and plot. All LA games always concern themselves with Witches and Lapistier/Qualia. Unfortunately the chances of LA3 being translated are zero, since that was DS-age.

For an entire millennium, the world has been devoid of 'song' as aresult of a savage war. Only 5 Witches left in the land are able to use'song magic.'

However, Hilda the Witch of Destruction plans to eliminatethe other Witches and the world with her curse of Crystallization. Altoand the Regnant Knights must now do all they can to stop Hilda, startingwith recruiting the other Witches and using their power of song to breakthe curse.Befriend the Witches, dive into their Spirit Worlds, and defeat theenemies causing their inner turmoil to level up their powers!

Magic,weapons, and superior tactics are necessary to get through the barrageof enemies you'll discover. In addition to combat, make sure to plan outyour tasks during free time. Balance combat and free time in game, asboth are necessary to advance the story! Make your choices wisely andsave the world! Golden state warriors jersey.

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