Murder In The Alps Chapter 3

Jan 6, 2019 - Murder in the Alps: Atlantic Connection All Collectibles Chapter 3 Part 2.

Murder in the Alps

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When is 'The Widow' chapter starting?

GuestMay 26th 2019
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I am fed up waiting for chapter 3 is it never coming

Taking items from containers of any kind (chests, cabinets, boxes, bookshelves, etc.) is perfectly 'legal' and does not aggro any NPCs.Destroying furniture (beds, lights, etc.) will count as stealing. As far as I can tell, destroying buildings is not considered hostile (unless you also displace furniture at the same time, for example by breaking a block under a bed).If you take too many items within a short period of time, any nearby guards in the village will come to attack you. Additionally, destroying capsule-type items, such as pots and vases, will also count as stealing, so be careful where you swing your weapons. Other nearby NPCs will also run from you. Starbound item ids. You can either run away and come back a few minutes later (sometimes the guards seem to forget you), or you can kill the guards.

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It keeps telling me that the next chapter, The Widow, is coming soon but it’s unclear whether they mean geologically speaking or relative to the degenerate era of our universe. Does anyone know which?

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Guest Replied
'the widow' chapter start in 2020?????????????????????
Guest Replied
Got hooked on this game, can’t wait for The Widow to be released. At least I can build up energy by watching ads so can have a good go at it when it’s released.
Guest Replied
Very Disappointed that you designed the game this way!
Duke_Is_A_Duck Replied
I agree with everyone that you're delaying the release to the ne t chapter. Even though I like the game that I played up til now. I maybe forced to delete it if each chapter takes this long to be released is it really worth the wait? I think not.
Guest Replied
Do I need to just leave it on my iPad, waiting for the next chapter?
Guest Replied
such a long delay?
Guest Replied
Is there any other game like the murder in the Alps ?? So that I could play that one until it is not unlocked ???
Guest Replied
When will the widow be released.. love the game but tired of editing
Guest Replied
Very disappointed that we have to wait so long for this chapter to start 2020
Guest Replied
love this game and I'm happy to wait. que sera sera
Guest Replied
Think I will just delete’s driving me nuts waiting to collect enough energy for more than just a short amount of game play!
Guest Replied
I enjoyed the game until i got to the Widow. I've been waiting months for this chapter. Very unsatisfactory way to service a game.
Guest Replied
Bummed that they are making us wait, and you can only accumulate 200. It should let us accumulate more for the inconvenience
Guest Replied
I’m getting ready to delete the game. Wait time is too long.
Guest Replied
Nope, very soon in october or early december 2019, see new information on facebook.
Guest Replied
If I gotta wait any longer my wife will become a WIDOW.
Guest Replied
Yes love the game yes the wait is long I just try to forget it until it does eventually come. PS I hope players realize when they play that you can accumulate more than just the 200 given points by watching the adds for other games one after another (20pts per viewing) until you reach a certain limit. A bit long but worth it if you want to keep going
Guest Replied
It won't for Windows 10 players, the don't need them anymore.
Guest Replied
Facebook :Murder in the Alps Hello, the update is currently available for iOS and Android devices. It will be available on other platforms soon!
Soon : we were waiting months. Now this game is out and has been played by thousands.. on Iphone, android.. And it seems to be an short and dissapointing game full of bugs. The graphics are low, Anna has changed completly.

Emailed the makers and this is what they said
Thank you for contacting the Nordcurrent support team!
We are working on a new episode as we speak.
It takes time to make them the same quality you have come to expect from the Murder in the Alps game.
We don't have an exact date to announce yet, but are working very hard on finishing it, so stay tuned on our Facebook page for more news about the upcoming episode!

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Guest Replied
Some people (that me) arent on Facebook!
Guest Replied
UHGgggg still waiting
Duke_Is_A_Duck Replied
Ya agree
Guest Replied
It is there

Never. There will be no upgrade to Widow or others. There are plenty of games that did just the same old trick. Just to make cash. Easy and quick.

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Guest Replied
What annoys me is this plays as a really good game. That said after the first chapters there was over a 4 month delay before the next chapter and now another 4 month (at least) delay and when you contact the game designer their answer is always the same 'We are working on it' But what bothers me the most is the sites that have these games 'google' and playroom rate this as a top game.
Guest Replied
It takes time. It’s not different drone games like life games s strange, game of thrones, the walking dead etc
Guest Replied
I want know when is start the widow
Guest Replied
The Widow is out but not for Windows 10, the don't count.

Around december 2019, or early 2020.

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Guest Replied
Not 4 Win 10 players, the widow is out, the did even set a date kindlle, no answer on win10..

Murder in the alps posted on Facebook on 5/10/2019 : soon and on 9/10/2019 very soon.
The removed this message.
Now you can see a sneak peek.
Fan are asking to stop announcing 'soon' and set a proper date.
I have posted 2 questions related to the energy i bought and the next chapter and got blocked from there page.
I don't understand.
I have 8000 !!! energy left, i bought this !!! It's lost.

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Guest Replied
The Widow is out but not for Windows 10, Nordcurrent doesn't need the money from Windows 10 users.
Guest Replied
It's a shame, Windows 10 users pay too for energy.. i deleted the game fed up..

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AdvertisementsMurder in the Alps Walkthrough Gameplay Guide for iOS and Android. A game like no other. It is a fully interactive crime novel with adventure gameplay. Travel back to the 1930s, solve mysteries and experience the authentic atmosphere.Murder in the Alps created by Nordcurrent. Put Bacon on Everything. You download the game app at Google Play and iTunes app store.Murder in the Alps Walkthrough Gameplay GuideFind our gameplay cheats below to solve the game puzzle levels.

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Murder In The Alps. – Walkthrough Gameplay (By Nordcurrent).